Wow-I didn't know.

by QuestioningEverything 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Twitch

    Welcome to the board!

    Question away,.....

  • BabaYaga

    Hearty hello and welcome, Questioning.

    It is better to know. It hurts a fair amount to know that all of your "truths" were harmful lies, but now that you really ARE questioning... you will find the answers.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Have you ever seen The Truman Show? It reminds me a lot of jw's, and other groups for that matter.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Sacolton said:

    Research their real agenda and you'll stay far away from the Memorial as well.

    It's probably way too early for you to think along these lines, but here's a strategic reason to stop attending the Memorial.

    If you and your husband have not attended a meeting (including the Memorial) for 3-5 years and are TOTALLY inactive, then if you get caught doing something "disfellowshipable", the elders aren't supposed to touch you. It's a judgement call on their part, but if you are faithful Memorial attenders, they might decide that you are still "known as Jehovah's Witnesses" in your community and therefore they have to take steps to "keep the congregation clean", and form a Judicial Committee.

    You probably know this, but in case you've forgotten, there are lots of relatively innocent activities that can get you a ride on the Disfellow-Ship. Buying a Lotto ticket, working out at the local YMCA (I'm serious. It's "interfaith" according to the WT), running for any local office (even dog-catcher, if it's an election, it's from Satan), attending a couple church services because you want to hear your niece sing in the choir, you or hubby decide to puff on expensive cigars once a month, joining office workers in a birthday celebration, celebrating any of the Non-WT approved holidays, joining the Coast Guard reserves, taking a blood transfusion, etc. Just something to think about.

    Take your time. Breathe. Go for walks in nature. Live your life. It is YOURS you know. In spite of what you've been told all your life.

    Best regards,

    Open Mind

  • QuestioningEverything

    Thanks for all of your support.. Much appreciated.

  • song19

    Welcome to the site. It's a lot to take in... take one day at a time. Read, read, and read. I am recently out too.

    congrats on seeing truth behind the "truth"!

  • Honesty

    Welcome to the board QuestioningEverything !!!

    "I never had any doubts. Until about two months ago. I am inactive and always thought I would go back one day. My husband is done. He' goes to the Memorial each year but that's it. Now, I'm not so sure.

    Once you find out the real significance of the JW Memorial you will be even sicker than you are now...

    So Jesus said to them, “ I assure you: Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you do not have life in yourselves. Anyone who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day, because My flesh is real food and My blood is real drink.
    The one who eats My flesh and drinks My blood lives in Me, and I in him.

    John 6:53-56

  • changeling


    changeling :)

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Welcome QuestionEverything,

    If you proceed according to your name everything will be fine.

    We have been where you are now. It is a shocking period in time, when you begin to discover that just about everything you have ever been taught is complete nonsense. It hurts, but you have to keep going. Stay honest and true to yourself, and DO NOT STOP educating yourself.

    It is the only way to REAL FREEDOM.

    The Oracle

  • jaguarbass

    Question everything, Better yet read the book of Ecclesiastes.

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