If the UN DID persecute the JWs..would you join in

by edward gentry 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    The UN is not going to ban or persecute any religion. The UN would support the JWs where ever it.


  • Seeker
    seeker. "No religion should be banned LEAST of all JWs"!!!!
    What is so holy about the borg that they should be the last church you should persecute?
    That is what you are saying.

    Just semantic sloppiness on my part. You are right, I shouldn't have phrased it precisely that way, for that is not what I meant. I just grabbed a ready phrase and used it. (I never think my posts out, they just flow off my fingers and bang! I'm done -- explains a lot, huh?)

    As for exterminating any religion, I'm dead set against the idea. Education, not legislation, is the answer. As soon as you decide to ban group A, it gets tempting to move on to groups B through Z while you are at it and pretty soon everybody wants their pet group banned.

  • edward gentry
    edward gentry

    Do you agree with this statement?
    The Watchtower organization should not be in existance in its current form.The dissemination of isolationist, antisocial, Totalitarian beliefs thru media should be outlawed.
    Not just dubs, Mormons,Sevvies, Hubbardism. All of them.
    Change or disappear. These people get away with murder under freedom of religion.
    If the dubs took over control of the organs of government they would burn you at the stake(after going thru their files).

  • wannahelp


    Of course not! Not only would I not support it, I would be very vocal in my opposition against it..


    If you outlaw religions,only outlaws will be religious..What the hell are you people trying to do to me?...OUTLAW

  • crownboy

    To answer the question, no I would definitely not join in any such thing. I'm a big religious freedom man, so I would not support the oppresion of any religious group, be they the large and powerful Catholic church, the sometimes oppresive Islamic faith, or the tiny groups like the JW's. I'm also a big believer in separation of church and state, and the most likely reason you would see such a horrendous thing happen is if a particular church has too much power in a government. Imagine the horror we would live under if JW's had control over political policies! (Failure to spend 10 hours a month in field service would get you community service... which would consist of the preaching work!)

    The JW scenario of government turning against religion seems highly unlikely. Since most citizens are either religiously inclined or supportive of religious freedom, a government taking action against all religions would no doubt draw an enormous backlash against the government. Seeing how as each generation passes religion becomes more of an irrelevant issue, it's hard to see how the major world powers would get all worked up over "Babylon the Great". A good example is the war the U.S. is engaged in. Though some extremist believe that this is a war against their religion, any level minded person knows religion is an after thought. (Most)Nations simply don't care enough about religion to start an apocalyptic war about it. And then of course, they'll all try to persecute the JW's. Yeah, people hate the religion that much they'll save them for last! So funny.

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • Seeker
    The Watchtower organization should not be in existance in its current form.The dissemination of isolationist, antisocial, Totalitarian beliefs thru media should be outlawed.

    No, I do not agree. Education is the way -- let people see what they teach is wrong so they are less likely to join. But outlawed? No thanks. I don't want the government telling me how to think.

  • edward gentry
    edward gentry

    What interesting responses!
    You people are all apostates and all you wanna do is allow the borg to hold its opinions and educate it to death (literally)
    It makes you wonder about all those poor saps in the middle ages who burnt.Were they all mild mannered men and women of peace and reason too?

  • Bridgette

    Edward Gentry,
    I can get on board with them changing or dying out. They've done this many times (adapted to avoid dying out), and the more they do so, the more they mainstream--the org is a totally different animal than it was in the Rutherford days--don't you know JW's probably just cringe at the thought of the good ole' rutherford days? Can you imagine what they would do if told they needed to "advertise,advertise,advertise" with placards and sandwich boards today?
    Part of their painful evolution is brought about by those of us who've left and expose dirty little secrets. Of that, I'm proud. But as for a full scale abolition of JW's--THEY WOULD LOVE THAT!! It would validate everything they've ever taught in their insane paranoid schema of the universe, of which, they are persecuted center of. Besides it goes against my beliefs. As a JW, I was taught to believe that anyone not of my beliefs was deserving of death, I've since evolved and believe everyone has the right to believe as they see fit (as long as they are doing no harm). Do you see the irony here? It's because I'm not a JW, that I'm so tolerant of the JW's in principal.
    Now, keeping them honest, that's what I'm talking about.


    edward gentry,what is the point of beating the shit out of people because they belong to a certain organization?They can`t help it if their stupid and it dosent solve the problem if the organization is still operating.The organization must be taken out and anyone who has taken part in its atrosities should be tried in a court of law.I don`t like the bastards any more than you,but you just don`t start attacking people!And what better revenge than to legaly take out an organization with the very system they want destroyed.(Not to mention us!)...OUTLAW

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