The Society does it AGAIN.

by Yerusalyim 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    The first Seder of Passover will be celebrated at Sundown on Wednesday, 27 March, 2002. The Society will not celebrate the memorial until Sundown, 28 March, 2002. Once again they are a whole day off. Why is that?

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • VM44

    A good question, Yerusalyim!

    Has the WTS ever said EXACTLY, how they calculate the
    date for the memorial?

    For such an important event, the method of determination
    should be made known to all, but perhaps they think the
    details of the calculation are too complicated for the
    average person.


  • outnfree

    Here's the official reason:

    "Jehovah's Witnesses observe the Memorial after sundown on Nisan 14, according to the reckoning of the Jewish calendar that was common in the first century. The Jewish day begins at sundown and extends until the following sundown. So Jesus died on the same Jewish calendar day that he instituted the Memorial. Rge beginning of the month of Nisan was the sunset after the new moon nearest the spring equinox became visible in Jerusalem. The Memorial date is 14 days thereafter. (Thus the date for the Memorial may not coincide with that of the Passover kept by modern-day Jews. Why not? The start of their calendar months is set to coincide with the astronomical new moon, not the visible new moon over Jerusalem, which may come 18 to 30 hours later. Also, most Jews today keep the Passover on Nisan 15, not on the 14th as did Jesus in harmony with what was stated in the Mosaic Law.)" -- Reasoning from the Scriptures, 1989, page 269.

    There you have it, Yeru. They are different because they are PURISTS, which (can you see the elders sadly shaking their heads?) the Jewish rabbis are not any longer.


    In dealing with fear, the way out is in -- Sheldon Kopp

  • RR

    I think the day difference is because they use Jerusalem time and we're some 12 hours ahead of them.

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • Yerusalyim

    Actually RR Jerusalem is some 8 hours ahead of us. So, the society is more jewish than the jews?

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • MadApostate


    Actually, the WTS aren't even "purists", for they use the astronomical tables to predict ahead of time when it is "possible" for the new moon to be "visible" in Jerusalem, rather than when such is a reality. Weather conditions obviously impact such.

    RR's time zone argument is baseless.

  • Yadirf

    Actually, Yeru, I think a far more important question to ask is-Why does the Pope have a special costume that he wears? Why is that assumed necessary ... that the man be arrayed in such garb?
    What quackery!

    Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.


    The Popes hat looks like the pakman character.I wonder what the Pope feeds it?...OUTLAW

  • RR

    Actually there are times when the Society is months off from the Jewish passover, and are at times just a few days of when most Christians celebrate Easter.

    It's suppose to be the first full moon closest to the spring equinox. Bible Students normally use the Jewish calender and celebrate Jerusalem time, which is usually the day before their passover.

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • bluesapphire

    I like the popes outfits. And I like the pope. He's a nice guy.

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