Feeling indifferent

by campaign of hate 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • the comet
    the comet

    I'm not sure what a normal response is to finding out you were in a cult. For myself I would say I feel exactly like the opening post. Not sure if that's normal but I agree with you.

    cappytan- if you're exploring Buddhism may I recommend the book The Good Heart, A Buddhist Perspective On The Teachings Of Jesus by the Dalai Lama. it really helped me grasp some of the teachings of Buddhism, and is a very good read.

  • Phizzy

    I think if we all can get to the stage where we really do not care one bit about the JW cult, then that will be a good, healthy thing.

    For me it has taken a long while to get where I am today, but then I was in for 58 sodding years.

    Right now I cannot be arsed to join in puerile discussions about JW's, about "taking down" the Org etc or discussing various minutea of Doctrine they have got wrong.

    But there is still for me the huge problem of on-going Abuse within the Org, and their intransigence about changing policy and practice to prevent abuse.

    I will still stay tuned so as to support any efforts to get them to change.

    But most aspects of this fast failing business posing as a religion are not of interest to me.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Right now, you are still "in" the cult, active to some degree. It is highly possible that your coping mechanism is a type of numbness to it all. That and a dose of curiosity about it all is fully understandable.

    Plus, different people will react differently to their situations. We should not be surprised that one is bitter and another is indifferent. Heck, some put on a great attitude of joy that they are out.

    If you think there might be a depression in there, pay attention to your own thoughts and see which way it develops. I think that every single person who was in, is in, left, did not leave, etc. would benefit from professional counseling. Most won't go, largely due to the cost factors. So, just keep an eye open to yourself if you think you are okay, but not so sure.

  • gone for good
    gone for good

    Indifference can be good.

    It was caring, after all, about such stupid religious drivel - that trapped us with their self serving truths.

    Your Indifference will turn to rage when they move to hold your family hostage until you conform.

  • Perry
    Is this normal? I've been thinking maybe it's depression?

    Sounds like "Emotional Shutdown". I experienced this when I determined that the WT system could not create victory in my life. I worked it hard for 8 years and just ended up emotionally shutdown, just turning the treadmill.

    I think most ex JW's will concur that the organization as a whole has a mechanical, even robotic characteristic to it. Mechanical, robotic behavior is a characteristic common with those in prison. Find the Lord Jesus Christ and you'll find freedom.

    2 Corinthians 3:1 (KJV)

    17 ...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [Freedom].

  • SAHS

    freemindfade: “I think it’s more a fascination now about the whole thing. It actually does interest me, the ins and outs of the Cult.”

    I look at it as getting to observe firsthand what amounts to a real-life psychology/sociology “experiment”; that is, a naturally-occurring experiment showing how people can be motivated to seek power and to control others, and also how people can be unwittingly mislead and manipulated. It is, indeed, somewhat fascinating to watch the dynamics of a cult environment and to learn the scientific aspects of what is really going on behind the scenes in people’s minds from a general outsider’s perspective. It’s interesting just what makes various people tick.

    freemindfade: “I do feel going is a waste of my time and life, but I am stuck doing it at the moment to be nice.”

    I know exactly what that is like! I’m still having to go through that very same scenario.

    “Phizzy”: “Right now I cannot be arsed to join in puerile discussions about JW's, about "taking down" the Org etc or discussing various minutea of Doctrine they have got wrong. . . . Most aspects of this fast failing business posing as a religion are not of interest to me.”

    While it’s certainly good to be able to move on in a positive direction, I find for myself that I need to keep reaffirming the fact that the WT organization is not what it claims to be, and the best way for me to do that is by reminding myself of exactly how and why the WT organization is just a made-up and self-serving house of cards based on falsehoods. It’s therapeutic and helps support me along my journey of discarding the old fear and shame of JW-land and moving toward self-empowerment, healing, and freedom. Yes, for this “apostate” (me), it’s a kind of sweet medicine.

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