Your favorite and least liked society publication?

by Celtic 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • anglise

    I seem to remember liking the United book because it made you think-I dont know how I would view it now looking at it with non-dub eyes as I havent read it for years.
    I hated the Greatest Man book, dont really know why , maybe it was the way that the studies were set out, it seemed very little material for 1 hour and we were in a group with a high percentage of young children and there is a limit to how much you can talk about the pictures. Also it was led by other half and so I felt I had to cover awkward silences.
    That was the first book though that I remember seeing how the society could jump from stating something that was provable from the bible to then making an assumption and pushing it as fact. I cant remember anything in particular at the moment, maybe others noticed things like that also.

  • sleepy

    My favorite was the Daniel book along with the July 1st2001 watchtower.
    The Daniel book made me convinced it was all a load of baloney.
    The watchtower made me walk out and never come back.

  • Pathofthorns

    I don't think I actually sat and read a book without it being required for a book study.

    I'd have to say my favourites were the Greatest Man book for the reasons Prisca mentioned, as well as the Creation book from the '80s which seemed to make sense at the time in my ignorance.

    Least favourites would be the Daniel and Isaiah books and really any of their books with large amounts of prophetic interpretation. Any interpretation surrounding Rutherford and his boys in prison for writing seditious propaganda during a war is ridiculous.

    The Young People Ask book was also irritating, as was anything intended for young people but clearly written by old people with no children.


  • Sirona

    Hi Celtic

    My most favorite is The Finished Mystery. I got a copy when our PO was "clearing out" the library and throwing away old books (I didnt realise at the time, but clearly some apostates had crept in and were using the KH library!!) I sifted through and picked up a couple of goodies. That book told me how FREAKED OUT CT Russell was.

    My least favorite was Greatest Man, how mind-numbingly boring can a book get? Read it and find out.


  • GermanXJW


    the Daniel-book was for me the one to make me say hmmm. I think it was contraproductive for the Society to let it be studied. Most JW were not aware of the silly applications because they were silent about it for decades. But maybe they wanted to get rid of the last thinking people.

  • conflicted

    I liked the Revelation book for the same reasons that I like that book int the bible. Colorful and dramatic.

    I absolutely hated, despised, cursed, and dreaded the Watchtower magazine. Boring, tedious drudgery. Complete and total drivel - every word of it put me to sleep.

  • Mulan

    My favorite was the Greatest Man book. While studying that, I realized they added interpretation to stories like the Prodigal Son, and that things about the Pharisees actually were like them, and exposed them. It made me think and realize all the things my husband was researching and sharing with me were true.

    My least favorite was the Revelation Grand Climax book. I absolutely HATED using that in field service. And studying it was literally painful. It was so weird, the way they applied things.

    Hey Venice: are you sure Ed wrote the James book? I thought R said he wrote it. But maybe he was bragging. Does he do that?

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
    "Those who know, don't say, and those who say, don't know."

  • Dan B
    Dan B

    Favorite: Aid book (nobody expected you to read it)

    Least Favorite: Babylon the Great has Fallen (torture when you are 5 years old and you have to sit through that for an hour!)


  • Preston

    The most scholarly of all the books I have read is the James book or the Prince of Peace book. I also get a kick out of the Live Forever book, but only for that hilarious picture of the two gay guys in cowboy hats... I wonder where the WT guys got their sources...LOL

  • RR

    Need I say? "The Divine Plan of the Ages." Least favorite, the one I love to hate because we studyied it about a dozen times before I left is "Revelation, It's grand Climax at hand!"

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

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