High gas prices finally changing North American vehicle attitudes

by Simon 60 Replies latest social current

  • BurnTheShips
    Boy, we North AMERICANS are really stupid. I'm glad we have higher gas prices so that my attitude can change and now I can have a true European view.

    That won't happen until they triple your taxes, then you will be more appreciative.

  • hillbilly

    Hi Six...

    actually part of my lively hood depends on the actual building of wind farms and high line. I am all for it.

    be a good little shit-he*d and sod off


  • minimus

    No Burn. I appreciate this thread now. If I didn't read it, I woulda never known how pathetic I was.

  • Simon
    Boy, we North AMERICANS are really stupid. I'm glad we have higher gas prices so that my attitude can change and now I can have a true European view

    You can bleat all you want, huff and puff and get pissy or whatever but facts are facts:

    • America has been one of the least fuel efficient nations on the planet and the only one to get worse in the last 20 years
    • Part of it is a cultural thing, not a necessity thing except for a minority who do actually need large vehicles and trucks
    • The higher prices Americans are now starting to have to pay, even though they are still way cheaper than Europe, is starting to cause change in behavior*

    I never said that Americans were stupid and I find it hard to understand how anyone can take my comments as an insult. Economics are simply forcing a more sensible outlook on people.

    (* I guess attitude doesn't matter - I don't care if people "want" to drive a Hummer but drive a Civic because it's what they can afford)

  • BurnTheShips
    America has been one of the least fuel efficient nations on the planet and the only one to get worse in the last 20 years

    Canadian oil consumption per capita is higher than the United State's. On this map, the "northern neighbors" look just as inefficient. As you note driving habits and vehicle choices are going to change, that is for sure.

    Facts are facts!

    Consumption per capita:

    Canada barrels per capita per year: 69.85

    United States barrels per capita per year: 68.81


    BTS..I`ll bet you were dam happy to have the 4x4..When the chips are down,there`s nothing like them.................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • BurnTheShips
    BTS..I`ll bet you were dam happy to have the 4x4..When the chips are down,there`s nothing like them................. ...OUTLAW

    LOL. Yes. Plus it is a lot of fun in the swamps! It is a 1990 trooper with oversize mud tires. Kind of like this one:

  • reneeisorym

    I drive a little toyota because that's all I need ... I can't comprehend why people would want an SUV or a race car when they will be staying around town on pavement -- not racing or driving along wagon trails.

    But why is it wrong to drive a big vehicle but no one talks about those with big houses? Doesn't it take more heat/cooling and more water for the swimming pool and big tub?

    I'll tell you why -- We work and make money and want to do something with it. Why pile it all up in the bank and work for nothing?

    What I don't understand is borrowing 30k to buy a brand new Suberban. We borrow too much money in America. If we would live within our means, we would have a lot less problems.

  • BurnTheShips
    But why is it wrong to drive a big vehicle but no one talks about those with big houses?

    My previous home was 1400 square feet and built in 1981. Only about 900 were under air conditioning. 10 year old central AC. July my electrical bill was ~$250.

    I moved in August to a new custom built home. 3100 S.F. 2600 under air. The latest efficient construction codes.

    That summer my electrical bills were half what they were in the old place. Half.

    These new homes are bigger, but they are much more efficient.

    I'm working on getting the swimming pool.


  • juni

    Thing is this about the SUV situation ....

    In the States they have strict car seat laws for kids.. those seats are very wide and you can not fit 3 car seats in the back seat of a full size car. So unless they were to change these car seat laws, families could not travel together if they have more than two kids w/o owning an SUV. Those families know they are gas hogs, but options are very limited or none at all.

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