Women being in subjection...a sore subject

by milligal 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove
    I have to say this. I hope to goodness that no one lives by the "rule of thumb." It was an old common law that the man may beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb and also he would get into trouble if she required more than seven stitches. Six stitches for a wound was OK, but not seven. Beating a woman was classified as a property crime back then.
  • White Dove
    White Dove


    The day that I see any proof of a man giving birth to a female, then and only then will I concede that woman came from man. I've yet to see a pregnant man.

    Man came from woman. Period! There is ample proof of this.

  • beksbks

    Kerj? Are you married? In a relationship? Gettin' any?

  • Hortensia

    cognac, finally, someone who talks the same way I do. It's a load of crap and it pisses me off. I once sat next to a group of uber-christian women who were very sanctimoniously talking about headship and how it was a test from god of their faithfulness. I wanted to get up and go over to them and ask them why in hell god gave them a brain if they weren't going to use it. I almost wanted to puke at grown women cheerfully giving over all responsibility to their husbands. Bah!

    So here is the perfect example: My mother married an elder, a nice guy, but way into the headship thing. Eventually he develops Alzheimer's disease. So one day I say to my mom that she really needs to get the roof fixed. She said "Ken says no." I said, "Mom, Ken has Alzheimer's. When are you going to start making decisions around here?" Her reply? "When the elders say I can." Jaw-droppingly stunning!!!!

  • Hope4Others
    "Under My Thumb."

    Thats one of my favorite songs Jk666.... http://youtube.com/watch?v=DI6WA-2CgyE

    I guess I'm one lucky girl I've never experienced this....lol. We have always been equal partners Business & Marriage! Although I have really felt for others

    who seems to have a tyrant of a partner.


  • LouBelle

    penis and vagina aren't awkward words at all. Anyway you must know that in any main stream christian faith that is the case. Men are the head of the family in all aspects, the wife must be in subjection and blah blah blah - totally disempowering women on all fronts.

    I've always had quite a strong personality and noticed that didn't go down too well with some of the elders, especially when they thought they could brow beat me into subjection.

    I've had very heated exchanges with christian men re this subject. I tell them that if I am spiritually stronger and more advanced than he - I am his "head" in a spiritual sense and that those scriptures aren't based on actual biology of men & women - needless to say they dont get it.

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    I know what you are saying Milligirl and I agree wholeheartedly. As a kid, growing uo in the borg, this always irritated me and I could never understand why girls and women were inferior and not worthy of any position of authority.

    The funny thing in my family was that whilst my Mom would always "defer" to my Dad as the "head of the home", she was definitly the dominant person in our home. When it came to money - she was the boss (if I asked my dad for something he would tell me to talk to the "minister of finance"). If it wasn't for my mum always pushing, my dad would probably not be an active dub.


  • kerj2leev
    Kerj? Are you married? In a relationship? Gettin' any?

    Yes. No. No. Yes.

    Man came from woman. Period! There is ample proof of this

    The Bible says otherwise.

  • milligal

    Kerj- I'm confused which side of the fence are you on?

    The whole woman drags man into a man oriented religion (which happened in my house too) also reflects my husband's raising-if you ask him, he was raised in a matriarchal witness family. His mom was always the big 'B'. One thing I have noticed about this type of woman, though-is that she loves to play the victim. Still wants control-but needs someone to blame for all her issues.

    On the other hand you have the men who have to be the'head' as if god assigned it to them because the world revolves around penis's (there I said it again : ) It is so blatantly unintelligent, insulting to any woman's sense of dignity and self respect that a higher being would blanketly gender bias the entire human race.

  • WTWizard

    I wonder how many of them would agree that the way most witless husbands exercise their headship amounts to initiatory force, threat of force, or fraud. If those rules were obeyed, no husband would usurp the wife's decisions (unless same were themselves in violation of the same rules). Abuse for petty things would have to stop, and the wives would stop being treated like property.

    And, if the wife doesn't want to pioneer (would rather help out by keeping house and getting a job), so be it. I saw a marriage of the humanoid that brought me into the cancer go to crap just for this reason--he wanted her to pioneer, and by hell she was going to pioneer. This is the reason for much of the abuse, adultery, and divorce that goes on within the witless religion.

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