JWs lie with such decadence

by 83501nwahs 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • 83501nwahs

    Doe, I still don't believe you.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Well, that's too bad. To me, being a JW was a lot of work, and lying would have been throwing all that work away. Why would I invest so much work in obtaining god's favor just to lose it by lying? Would seem rather foolish to me.

  • JWdaughter

    Hey, I believe John Doe. I didn't lie as a JW-I avoided issues I was uncomfortable with. It only took till I was 15 though to come up against something I could not accept, and not repeat as truth. Then I was DA'd.

    The JWs would have one believe that no 15 yo virgin, non theif/liar/blasphemer would EVER be so disciplined, but yet, I was! I am sure that my sin was much speculated about by the congregation. When I was a senior, I took a little girl I was babysitting to the homecoming parade, and we both sat on the float(since I had worked on it). I was asked questions by some 'worldly' cronies of my old JW associates about the little 2 yo girl.

    NO, she wasn't mine!:) I was impressed at the time that they thought me capable of getting a guy to have sex with me(which tells you something about my self esteem and my level of maturity. I should have been mightily pissed;))

    Wow., that got a bit OT, huh?

  • lisavegas420
    of the sisters just looked at me and shrugged,

    that's funny. nope..she won't be destroyed..she just lied, ..............you on the on the other hand..is doomed.

    way to ruin their meal.


  • dawg

    Hell yea, I lied as a JW.....Funny thing now, I'm a pretty honest person now that I found myself.

    I've got a lie for you... my mother called my Baptist Aunt; Aunt asks mom if she's heard from me in a while.... Mom says, "no, you know he lives way up there in Athens and all". Mom knows full well that I'd give a nut to hear from either her or Dad... she lied to Auntie because she was ashamed that I'm now a full scale "apostate" and she no longer speaks to me solely for that reason.

    They will disown their own families over this religion, put the names of their family members down, and to me that's the biggest disgrace, all we have is our names, when someone speaks our name they are saying what we are as a person, and my name has been destroyed by my family, and for what? Fools! God damn fools, they sold my name to defend goddamn fools! That's total sh#t, because no one that knows me (sans this site because I do give folks hell here) dislikes me.

    So to defend the cult, Dad calls my cousins that are getting smart and leaving this utter bullshit, and asks what drugs I'm on, and Mom believes in her dogma so much she's too ashamed to defend it to her sister-which of course means she doesn't believe in crap, she defends is like a bull terrier but she knows it's wrong or else she'd gladly tell sis the truth. Isn't that true? Isn't this the greatest lie ever, that you'd destroy your own son's name to defend known idiots?

    So, what happened to our loved ones? They fell prey to their own goodness, they were good people that thought they were serving God... the brainwasher's knew the game, how to keep a closed door, how to keep information out. I remember as a kid, I couldn't hang with "worldly" persons as we labeled them, and we continued the labeling with the prodding of our cult leaders... "apostates, ungodly men,Babylon the Great" and so god damn many more I've lost count along the way, but the thing was, the most important thing, is that we had the "truth"... and that truth stood up as long as we never questioned it. Never talked tom or associated with anyone that "might destroy our faith".

    But then you have kids, you watch them grow, they are all one and all beautiful, but by then you're so God damned brainwashed that you refuse to question the facts, to the point you're willing to sacrifice your own kids good names to your Baal. Just as fathers and mother sacrificed their kids to ancient bloodthirsty Gods. Here's a fact for you, my Dad is one of the most charismatic and lovable men I've ever known, until you question the GB. God, I wish I could fucking just hold my dad in my arms, just one more time... shit! And they tell lies, besmirch my name for a known falsehood! The human mind is amazing!

  • Hope4Others
    Here's a fact for you, my Dad is one of the most charismatic and lovable men I've ever known, until you question the GB. God, I wish I could fucking just hold my dad in my arms, just one more time... shit! And they tell lies, besmirch my name for a known falsehood!

    I'm sorry Dawg for what your going through, you know it happens to many of us the shunning, yes it hurts...we are free from the lies but we still hurt to lose our family.....

    this site has given me so much hope, new friends talking to many by phone...I feel good about things again. I hope things will come around for you.


  • dawg

    I went out too late tonight, I'm too damn old for all my younger friends... Maybe I'm too drunk. But late at night sometime, I just can't understand what happened to their minds? No one tell me what to think, never have... what happened to them? Can't question men? I don't think too many things in the Bible are right, but it never says it's "apostasy" to question men.

    If you want to hear a JW lie, you'd need to simply watch them speak. Did you read that site where JW posted recently, when I read it this week I laughed my ass off... I used to think that crap was logic, but from day one, deep in the recesses of my conscience, I knew it was all shit, sorry, but shit is the right word... Don't they know it? Can't they see it?

    But that's all mute... they should at least have enough doubt not to destroy the name of their own son, all for some fools they've never met... they should at least hear my side of the story and respect that. Are any of you on this site not convinced that all of our loved ones don't have at least a little doubt?

    So, the biggest lie? They know guys, they know this is all shit, but it's too comfortable for them to get out of. They can't shake it... they'll do anything to escape death including destroying their own families... and that is the God damned biggest lie of all.

    How's that for a lie bro?

  • fokyc

    A large proportion of JW elders are pathological liars, I haven't a clue why!

    IF what they preach on the doors IS true, and what is said in THEIR own Bible is also true,

    They are doomed, so why do it? Any answers?


  • Hope4Others
    They can't shake it... they'll do anything to escape death including destroying their own families... and that is the God damned biggest lie of all.

    They choose what they think is their everlasting future over us..I'm sorry for your pain..we are dead too many that unforunetly is what happens when we find

    the real truth we now become separate from those we love


  • sacolton

    I'm sure the reason they lied is to avoid any confrontation. Was it right? Absolutely not! Wolves in sheeps clotheing. JW hate to be cornered when they get caught in a lie or can't give scriptural proof.

    For example, when I first started questioning the WTBTS on Beth-Sarim, my PO came over and told me with a straight face that he has never heard of "Beth-Sarim" (and he has been in 'the truth' all his life), so I had to get the Proclaimers Book and show him. He just heehawed that Beth-Sarim was built because the society was "over-zealous". Still he said he had no knowledge about Beth-Sarim. That was a lie.

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