JWs lie with such decadence

by 83501nwahs 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • 83501nwahs

    I was just at Roscoe's in Long Beach when the assembly crowd with their badges on came in. I decided that they must want to be approached since they were advertizing their witnesshood on their clothing. Nothing could be further from the truth. I engaged them in conversation just to see if they would lie to me believing I didn't know better. I told them I was a Gay Wiccan (which is half true, I'll let you guess which half) and I wondered if god would kill me at armaggeddon if I refused to change. They flatly denied that I would be killed at the hand of god at armaggeddon. They kept repeating over and over that only god can read hearts.

    So, I posed it this way, "If I make it through armageddon into the paradise and utterly refuse to stop practicing Wicca and I continue to have gay sex, will god at some point have to kill me, and this is long after armageddon in the paradise, and I just refuse to stop having gay sex. Will god at some point get tired of me being a gay Wiccan and kill me?"

    The answer.... (drum roll)...

    At this point I revealed to them that I was a Witness for 30 years and I knew they were lying. Then the husband got up and complained that I was bothering them, so I had to leave. On the way out I called them liars, and, I kid you not, one of the sisters just looked at me and shrugged, like it was nothing for her to lie when preaching.

    I realize that when I was a witness I lied in the ministry all the time. I would say whatever made the society look good no matter how false and misleading. Did anyone else here lie as a witness? or is that a dumb question?

  • flipper

    83501- Wow! What a classic experience ! Thanks for sharing ! You handled that excellently ! It is amazing how the witnesses will lie just to save the face of their organization- and then when you confronted them with the actual truth - they could care less ! Makes me glad I'm out of that deceitful organization. Good job ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I never lied.

  • 83501nwahs

    Doe, I don't believe you.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Being honest or dishonest has nothing to do with being a jw. Some people lie, some don't. Simple as that.

  • Junction-Guy

    Yeah and those that don't lie usually leave the JW's,

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle
    So, I posed it this way, "If I make it through armageddon into the paradise and utterly refuse to stop practicing Wicca and I continue to have gay sex, will god at some point have to kill me, and this is long after armageddon in the paradise, and I just refuse to stop having gay sex. Will god at some point get tired of me being a gay Wiccan and kill me?"

    The answer.... (drum roll)...

    No! God will not necessarily destroy me, even if I continue to be a gay witch long into the new system.

    Tears of laughter

    Thanks! I needed a good laugh! that is a classic.

    The Oracle

  • Junction-Guy

    The city overseer lied to my face, when I asked questions about the JW organization, I believe the guy did have a consience though as he couldn't look me in the eye, but averted his gaze.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Yes, I find an extra-ordinary number of pathological liars in the JW rank.

    Now that my eyes are opened, I realize that there are a lot of honest people in the world.

    I think the high number of liars among JW is because of the fact so many of them are forced to lie, or at least to conceal the truth, to keep from looking crazy to their school mates or workmates. For example making up stories to avoid going to birthday parties if you didn't feel like going in to the whole "cuz people got their heads cut off story" etc.

    Not very healthy for the mind to develop that pattern.

    The Oracle

  • dwtnphotog

    I'm here in Long Beach as well. I have even seen a few of my ex-friends over the last week or two. I have been trying to avoid Ocean Ave as much as possible!

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