The Hope For Our Dying Home-Earth...An Inconvenient Truth

by justhuman 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Lets start with an appeal to authority fallacy:

    I'm a Chemical Engineer and an Environmental Consultant so I speak with a little bit of authority on this.

    Add a liitle bit of generalization fallacy along with some strawman:

    Environmental issues are very similiar to religion with the people knowing the least preaching the loudest.

    Top it off with some appeal to fear fallacy:

    First, you would all most likely be dead if not for the Oil and Gas industry, if you don't immediately know why I say that, please shut up long enough to learn about the pre-industrialized world.

    Where to start with this gem from an "environmental consultant"?

    You don't like it, do something better, don't know what to do better? cool shut up and quit annoying the people who matter in the world and are keeping you alive.

    Boy am I glad you are consulting on our environment Bring The Light.....

    Please help me understand what you are trying to say here:

    The concept of anthropogenic climate change is very important, however virtually nothing you'll hear about it is anything more than propoganda and religion.

    There's a few double negatives and all, making it tricky to get your point...but it seems you are dismissing the NAS and IPCC findings on the subject. Interesting.

    edit: POSTED BY BESTY - SweetPea is far more forgiving

  • justhuman

    I have seen some good posts on this one...

    1.Our earth is in danger due to human activities, and pollution. There are many alternative resources that we can use. Solar energy, Wind enegy, Thermal energy just to name a few. Countries like the Scandinavians are champions in the alternative energy solutions. A village in Norway is based upons Solar and Wind energy. We can do a lot, and only by educating our selves we will do a lot. For instance is U.S. the automobile production companies are the worst in the world regarding pollution( 6 cylinders and 8 cylinders are not quite enviromental friendly) while on the other hand in Europe and Japan they have cars with low pollution rate and hybrid cars.

    2. The rate of the ice melting it is much more faster than the last 10,500 when the last age finished due to human activity. Indeed the earth has always gone through changes all those millions years, but al least we have to take care of our only home in this universe and stop acting with ignorance and arrogance

    3. Most of the problems is caused by the multi-national Oil companies. We have so many alternative energy solutions by their goal for more money has ruined the earth. Only if we the citizens of the World stand up and start demand a cleaner world FOR OUR CHILDREN we will managed to have a better place to live. If we buy their 8 cylinder cars, and depend upon their oil for sure they will keep on doing this. I my self started the process for an inviromental attitude. I have order an electric car(no pollution at all) and it will be charged upon solar energy. I start to design a house fully inviromental with solar and wind energy so I will produce my own green electricity. There are so much we could do believe me. It is all a matter of will

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman


    "" The only place where there has been "significant" melting in the Northern Hemisphere is Greenland from what I've read. I've also read that the Polar Bear population is stable and even increasing.""

    Hmm, aint heard this before. Polar Bears are moving habitat because of melting ice - each year they need to travel further and further away to find food. Also, if we are talking about an area half the size of the planet i.e. - "the northern hemisphere", we need to start talking about the "global" problem, an example would be glaciers that are disappearing all over the place. Analysis was performed by National Geographic ( they don't lie ) regarding this.

    To qoute - they have observed an "alarming acceleration in the melting of Glaciers".

    Some of the ice had been frozen for 50000 years. Now people can bring up a few hundreed years ago their was a warm century etc etc. As I have said before this is not denied, tempreture goes up and down. But - this particular warming trend is melting ice from tens of thousands of years ago. This time it is different.


    "" The South Pole is getting colder, not warmer. The majar areas of temperature increase over the last few decades have been in CITIES which have grown substantially. Duh! More people = more energy use = more heat! Cities which have experienced little or no growth have experienced no increase in temperatures. I've seen the official government charts for dozens of US cities. They don't lie. ""

    It depends what info you read on this. Parts of antartcica have certainly shown a cooling down trend - but it certainly is not all of the South pole. Entire sections have broken off due to ice thinning and then cracking. Hmm, an offical US government document trying to rubbish Global Warming, who would have thought!!!!!!


    "" Many of the temperature monitoring devices are in places where the environment has changed. Some of them were in fields thirty or forty years ago and because of urban development they are in the middle of commercial real estate developments and surrounded by asphalt, skewing the readings. ""

    Oh please show me the scientific evidence for this!!!!! I am sure some will be affected by this but to suggest that it is a major contributing factor to weather monitors giving a warmer reading smacks of desperation.

  • BurnTheShips

    Glacier Bay in Alaska has been melting back as long as we have been measuring. The orange lines delineate the limits of the glaciers. Notice how they have been retreating:


    In 1760 there was no Glacier Bay, it has been melting back for over 200 years. I really doubt this is anthropogenic.


  • hillbilly
    I don't care if I look stupid or not, I am not in a popularity contest, nor do I care what other people think anymore, especially people I don't know personally or related to.

    saith, Dave the Junction Guy...........Maybe we should make a "BEST of JG" thread?


  • besty

    Witness 007, Carlos_Helms, BringTheLight

    I have challenged each of you on your posts on this thread with no response from any of you. I'm disappointed.

    Please come back :-)

  • Gregor

    I see the new religion has recruited another member. Save the planet indeed! Get real.

    I'm sure you are a good person but this is just a game of political manipulation and guess who's "it"?

  • besty

    I see the new religion has recruited another member. Save the planet indeed! Get real.

    I'm sure you are a good person but this is just a game of political manipulation and guess who's "it"?

    Wow Gregor, I'm impressed at the additional facts you have brought to the topic. Not. Also the way you skilfully avoided ad hominem fallacy,not, but most of all your pyschic powers that have enabled you to read my mind, not.

    I asked Witness 007 to share the research he mentions proving pollution was not part of global warming. That is called a request for further information, not an opinion.

    I called Brant, uninformed, on a variety of fallacious argumentation techniques. That is still not expressing my opinion on the subject.

    I called Carlos_Helms on the discredited 'research' he was presenting. That was still not expressing my opinion on the subject.

    Finally I called BringTheLight on a variety of fallacious argumentation techniques he deployed. That was still not expressing my opinion on the subject.

    Now Gregor, you have also been called on fallacious argument and lack of facts.

    Perhaps there is a pattern amongst the 'business as usual, nothing to see here' fraternity.

    I don't mind a good going discussion/argument and I'm happy to be proven wrong, but at least lets be logical - thats the least we owe each other.

  • Gregor

    Got it backwards, dude. Since actual climate records show global cooling for the last several years, right up to this minute, YOU need to show proof of your new religion. Your Governing Body, i.e., Al Gore, et al seem to preach to their choir only. There are plenty of respected scientific opinions that disagree with them. It is not my job to open your eyes. "Melting ice!...oh my"... "Polar Bears....Oh my!" Your movement is trying to use the strategy of screaming "Game Over!" when in fact it is not going your way at all! LOL

    Obviously, gullibility is not an endangered condition.

  • BurnTheShips

    C02 is good for plant growth. We can only imagine how lush Earth was in the times of the dinosaurs.

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