Suggestions for JW Girlfriend?

by Mincan 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • CandleLight

    This looks to be a bad situation that will just get worse.

    The girl must be having some emotional rebellion.(and apparently physical) From what you say, despite her actions, she still has a conscience to recall to her all her recent actions. It may not be long until the impact of what she done, which is completely contrary to what she says she believes, crashes down upon her.

    As for you, It does not seem to be such an event for you. But be aware, that if you care for her, you are going to have to help her avoid her course of getting drunk, drugs, and sex. Her self respect seems in serious jeporady and although I do not agree with the WT cult mentality. She very well may have a spiritual need that is now been trampled on.

    There is alot more to this picture.. behind the scenes... then you realize I am afraid.

    just my 02 cents...

  • SnakesInTheTower


    cougar bar

    I had to go look that term up...I had heard the term "cougar", not "cougar bar"...LOL...I need to go find one of those places.....

    I think the ones creating the big stink are the 40 year old virgins, pissed that M got some action 20 years before they did, and need to vent their frustration with themselves

    Unlike many who are commenting here, I have met mincan once. I found him to be an interesting, intelligent young man. Hell, I aint pissed...and I feel no need to vent frustration...I feel a need to say...Good for him getting some action.... ..... .

    Me personally, I dont think I would be discussing my sex life (or lack thereof) on a discussion board...LOL..

    I do agree with the sentiments of being long as she and he know what the situation is (if being a f***buddy is all she wants/needs, and you both are ok with it, thats up to you two) . Iit is not for any of us to judge. Of course, his discussion about sex was secondary to the point of his original to plant seeds of doubt...

    Mincan: Regarding your original reason for posting the story: If you have known her for as long as you say you have, and she tracked you down....then she might be willing to listen long enough to get those seeds of doubt planted... I agree with those who recommended CoC and Steve Hassan's book on cults.... the cult book doesnt directly attack JWs once (except in a reference in the bibliography) her out in opening up her mind....

    I wish you well on this journey and hope you do find a way to get her out...

    Snakes ()

  • kwintestal
    kwintestal obviously don't know me, so I'd have to say you're just trying to be mean. Success! I'm 55 and have successfully raised my children. Needless to say, I'm no virgin.

    I'm mean to anyone who basically calls one of my good friends a rapist.

    I had to go look that term up...I had heard the term "cougar", not "cougar bar"... LOL... I need to go find one of those places.....

    Snakes, if you come to visit again, I'll take you to one! Promise! We'll bring Mincan . haha


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Although I believe in what I said, I think that I misdirected it here. I apologize.

  • chellechelle

    wow its kinda weird to read that lol and the following threads......

  • JK666


    My little buddy, we will talk tomorrow night! I look forward to it.



    I wish you the best of luck on this relationship --- you, the girl and her mother. Oh, well. Some people like it three ways.



    Sorry, I don’t mean to be flippant. What I mean is the three of you sound like you could be co-dependant. That is the three of you need each other to provide you with an identity and give each other power.

    There usually are three scenarios, the victim, the persecutor and the rescuer. Here is a simple explanation, with several examples. See if any of you fit into any of these kinds of scenarios. Co-dependants usually know how to choose someone to play with them. Strange as it may seem, there are many of these types of people within the borg. Seems to me the religion enables the dysfunctional behaviour.

    Mind games are serious stuff that you need professional help with. I have barely scratched the surface.

    Good luck with all of this.


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