by Terry 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson


    Waiting on Jehoober.

    Wow, Terry, I would have enjoyed serving with you, you "apple polisher", you!


  • catbert

    I am facinated by learning new things now that I am an "independant thinker".

    I am not a smart man, but I know what love is...

    I think it is a mistake for people like me who don't have high intellect to not persue knowledge of all sorts.

    One thing I think is very important: It is at least as important to see when something is not true as it is to find truth.

    One argument a JW might use is "Well if its not 'The Truth', then what do you have that is better?"
    Not a relevent question. Throw away the lies and untruths. You don't need to replace them with anything.

  • Carmel

    My high school physics teacher labeled me a "misguided intellectual". Someone else who was jealous of me for dating a cute brunette in his class, called me the "village idiot". So I guess the truth is somewhere inbetween,,, or simply "misguided" as my Christian friends are want to claim. carmel

  • watson

    Sound perty smart to me.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Look what 20 years as being one of the Jehovah Witnesses has done to me, when I was a child I wanted to be a world renowned physicist


  • watson

    Homie, you have no sinus'. I'm concerned.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Humans are the only species on earth with the intelligence to be stupid

  • FlyingHighNow

    Sadly, many intellectuals are snobbish about it. This is why many people with high intelligence would cringe if you called them intellectuals. Then there are "everyday people" who have genius that cannot be measured on IQ tests, that secretly laugh at the self titled intellectuals.

    My ex husband is not an intellectual. He scores 110 on an IQ test. Yet he can take a cement block making machine the size of a restaurant, have someone tell him the symptom the machine was making before it shut down, look over the schematic drawing and point out some wire burned in two in the middle of the machine and say, "There's your problem." He's a genius at troubleshooting electrical problems in industrial machinery. I'm in awe of that. He once called my family and me intellectuals. I told him not to insult us like that.

    Now my dad is an intellecual. He's also an oceanographer by trade. And he's also an insufferable a$$ when it comes to his ideas about life. He thinks he knows more than everybody and he's a snob about what he thinks he knows.

  • Jim_TX

    I do not think that I am an 'intellectual'. To me - that sounds like some sort of person who is stuck on themselves.

    While in Grade School... A's and B's came pretty easy... in fact - we were REQUIRED to bring home good grades... or else. I never had to study very hard to achieve the good grades.

    I know that I have always walked to the beat of a different drummer... I invented a telephone system that I used between the main house and my shop... when I was about 17 years old. I used old telephones from Radio Shack - and ran my own telephone wire... used a train transformer to ring the bells, and a couple of 6-volt lantern batteries to supply the 'talk' voltage.

    No one understood what I did... or what I was doing. Heck... even _I_ had a difficult time understanding it.

    I never had a 'ruler' to gauge my intelligence - and so assumed that I was always behind everyone elses' level of intelligence.

    I kept to myself. Always reading... always trying to understand new things.

    In retrospect... I was a Nerd - before the term became 'fashionable'. Before people thought that Nerds were cool. Back when Nerds were considered almost a disease - or plague.

    To this day - I still seem to come up with ideas that others think are a bit 'off'... or 'that will never work'. Of those ideas that I try... they usually _do_ work.

    No... I'm not an intellectual. I could never be 'intellectual'. Not me. I'm just me. Odd.


    Jim TX

  • FlyingHighNow

    Okay, if you score well on an IQ test, are you going to join Mensa?

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