Book Club, June 08, The Secret Histroy by Donna Tartt

by TheSilence 30 Replies latest social entertainment

  • TheSilence

    llbh, it's really just a random pick from the books that have been suggested, but you're still welcome to feel honored. I look forward to reading it and plan on picking it up sometime this week so I can be ready to discuss it with you next month.

    That was a wonderfully enjoyable viewpoint, ql, thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoy the book ;)


  • quietlyleaving

    one more thing

    On page 30 poor Richard says "had I stayed in California I might have ended up in a cult or at the least practicing some weird dietary restriction"

  • quietlyleaving

    Making holiday preparations, so haven't got very far with the book

    but have been mulling over these 2 questions

    2. When discussing Bacchae and the Dionysiac ritual with his students Julian states, "We don't like to admit it, but the idea of losing control is one that fascinates controlled people such as ourselves more than almost anything. All truly civilized people--the ancients no less than us--have civilized themselves through the willful repression of the old, animal self" (p. 38). What is your opinion of this theory? Are we all atracted to that which is forbidden? Do we all secretly wish we could let ourselves go and act on our animal instincts? Is it true that "beauty is terror"?

    3. "I suppose there is a certain crucial interval in everyone's life when character is fixed forever: for me, it was that first fall term spent at Hampden" (p. 80). Did you have such a "crucial interval" in your life? What/when was it?

    The age of 12 was a turning point for me - I distinctly remember making a conscious decision to become very good, I remember it so clearly. there was a lot going on in my family. Both my parents were swingers - so perhaps I was reacting to the chaos. I guess it was fairly inevitable that I'd become a JW .

    Question 2 is gonna need more thought.

  • TheSilence

    Would you say, though, that your personality was "fixed forever" at that crucial interval? I think we've all had defining moments in our life... but I wouldn't like to think that my personality was "fixed forever". I've adjusted my personality in ways that I wanted to improve through conscious effort, and I have flaws I probably will never fix because they don't bother me all that much and I accept that we all have flaws. I would like to think that I can always grow and learn. "Fixed forever" just seems so stagnant to me, to never learn greater maturity or wisdom.

    Now, to just discuss a crucial interval... I would say the day that I decided that I was open to a relationship with my dad if he wanted one... but I wasn't going to beat my head against the wall trying to make a relationship happen that he would not partipate in or in which he treated me poorly. He would either accept me for who I am or he wouldn't, and that choice was his. I learned I couldn't change how he treated me, I could only change how I reacted to how he treated me. And, oddly enough, it has done wonders for our relationship for us both to know that he doesn't have that power over me he used to have. There are still hurtful things at times, but much less often and they are not devastating to me as they once were. They are simply my dad's flaws and I accept them for what they are... and they are not my fault.

    So, crucial interval... yes, definitely. Many of them in my life, actually... this is just one. But my personality "fixed forever"... I don't think so... or maybe I just hope not. Only time will tell, eh? ;)


  • quietlyleaving

    Jackie I agree wholeheartedly. I don't think Richard's personality was "fixed forever" either, although he considered that it had - But I guess I haven't finished the book yet -so its too early to say.

    I suspect that the author is perhaps saying "fixed forever" for dramatic effect because, and as you said, from your own experience, real life isn't like that thankfullly.


  • Velvetann

    Hi everyone, I just discovered this thread The Book Club. I didn't know we had this!!!! I will join in as I love reading, I devour books. I was going to start a thread and ask about some good books to read. Thanks Jackie for this topic.

    I haven't read the current book but hopefully I can get the next book suggestion.

    I just went to and read an excerpt from A Thousand Splendid Suns. I have to have that book, it sounds right up my alley.

    Can't wait to be able to join in with you all.


  • TheSilence

    Hi, Velvetann,

    We will certainly welcome your participation ;)


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I think it's obvious that Richard does not like himself, but still his constant lying drives me nuts. He lies when telling the truth would be easier, such as when Bunny bugs him about where he went to school.

    All of the characters are interesting, but I don't sympathize with any of them. The incest between the twins is disgusting. Francis hitting on those who are not homosexual is disgusting. Henry's need for control is disgusting. All the character's self righteous condescension is disgusting. The thieving abuse of drugs is disgusting. I hoped for the entire book that they would get caught, and the ending disappointed. I did not like this book, but it is not one I'll soon forget.

  • TheSilence

    Hi, John,

    I'm sorry you didn't like the book. I'm glad you at least thought the characters were interesting. That's probably one of the reasons I enjoy the book, because the characters are just very different than characters you normally read about. I didn't find the ending disappointing, but I did find it somewhat predictable. As things spun further and further out of control with Charles I knew in the end Henry would have to die for everyone else to go on.

    And I would agree, I don't think Richard likes himself.

    Perhaps you will like the next book better... it was recommended by someone else so there's probably a better shot ;)

    Happy reading,


  • Champion

    I'd like to join also. I am looking forward to it.


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