Book Club, June 08, The Secret Histroy by Donna Tartt

by TheSilence 30 Replies latest social entertainment

  • TheSilence

    Hi, Champion,

    I look forward to your participation. The thread for A Thousand Splendid Suns will be posted in the beginning of July.

    Are there any books you would like to recommend to be added to my list?



  • John Doe
    John Doe

    It was definitely a page turner. I started off liking the book, but the further I got into it and the darker things became, I found myself repulsed yet interested at the same time, leaving me feeling uncomfortable. Sort of an odd reaction I suppose. I can definitely see how people would like it.

  • TheSilence
    I found myself repulsed yet interested at the same time, leaving me feeling uncomfortable.

    I find that quite an interesting response to the book, actually. Can I ask what you thought of Julian?


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Julian seemed to live vicariously through the students. I suspect he knew what happened all along--he didn't seem too shocked in the end. Overall, I found him to be the most likable character. However, I didn't like his aloofness.

  • TheSilence

    Here's why I ask: I think Julian found his students interesting... but once he saw their dark sides he was "uncomfortable" with them and left. Which, in my own convoluted mind, was similar to your reaction to the book/characters.


  • llbh

    I found the book hard going at first, then now i am able to spend more time on it i am enjoying it more.

    It could do with being a little shorter and l could do with fewer allusions to Classical literature, which whilst i get some i miss far more.

    The more i read it the more i want to finish it. If i only i were not sorting out my divorce i would have more time

    Thanks for your help Jackie

    Regards David

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    libh, you'll like the next book then. It's shorter and faster reading.

  • llbh

    The next book is great. You will cry and have your emotions torn all over the place but in the end you will be upilfted. It is quite prescient too.

    I actually went to see Khalid Hossieni when he was in London on April 10th. he is a warm and gentle man

    .Regards david

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I'm about 1/3 of the way through it. It's definitely sad so far.

  • llbh

    I along with many i know stayed up late to finish it. It does brighter though

    The previous book Kite Runner is good too . The film of it is a must see


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