(How) Does Truth Set Free?

by Narkissos 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rapunzel

    Very much along the lines of Andre Gide, Luis Bunuel once remarked: "The search for truth is wonderful. Beware of the person who claims to have found that Truth!"

  • Rapunzel

    In regard to truth, there are also the immortal words of John Keats: "Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know,"

  • hamilcarr

    Art could set one free. Not all art though, only art for art's sake.

    Along the same vein. Not all knowledge sets free but only knowledge for knowledge's sake, la connaissance pour la connaissance as it were

  • slimboyfat

    I tend to think "truth" is the name we give to the freedom we feel when we unburden ourselves from old beliefs.

    Witnesses, often in very formulaic terms, express the freedom that the "truth" gives them in that they "no longer have to fear superstition" for example. It emphasizes more the beliefs that have been disposed rather than those acquired.

    Similarly ex-Witnesses are also known to express the feeling that "knowing the truth about the 'truth'" gives them the freedom to live a more authentic life in all sorts of respects: exploring new previously forbidden intellectual horizons; disposing of guilt over sexual desires and expression; and developing friendships outside the contraints of constantly measuring others against Witness dogma and standards.

    So instead of truth bringing freedom, perhaps it is whatever we have found that gives us what we consider freedom at any given time, that we call "truth" in that moment.

  • Narkissos

    Thanks all for the additional insights.

    slim: very clever.

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