For JW Apologists - What is Your Motive for Posting on JWD ?

by flipper 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • winnower

    Mr. Flipper says: What would make a person come join an obvious anti-witness discussion board to come and communicate positive vibes about the witnesses ? Perhaps they are sincerely misguided and think they are doing the right thing. OR Maybe they are not sure of what they have been taught and are hoping someone will refute them with something that makes more sense, like the real truth. Flippers, I think this is part of the "lost sheep" campaign and it started several weeks ago. It seems to be nothing more than a plan to antagonize and upset these abused sheep here with the same stupid rhetoric. I think a lot of these OVERCOMERS have been getting calls and letters personally over the past month as well as board infiltration. Also 2 Peter 2:16 tells us about a "dumb a$$ speaking with the voice of a man". I think we have seen scriptural confirmation that those things indeed do happen! The saddest thing is the predictibility. They have memorized about 20 scriptures and use one of those to answer any question whether it applies or not. They are seriously mentally damaged. And they are all like carbon copies. It is pitiful. Does it not make you all grateful to realize you broke away before the zombification became complete? I hope the apologists stick around for a little while, because very soon I have a message for them. They need to know "What God Requires of"...them!

  • done4good

    The apologists on the site make some of the best arguments against the bOrg. Keep 'em comming.


  • BreakingAway

    Good thread.I think there a number reasons they would come here.Before going further though, I think it's important to point out that there's a difference between someone who's trying to break free from the WT but still holds onto some JW ideologies (that kind of thing is normal as it takes time to clear ones mind) and the apologist who has a personal agenda of defending the WT .But you guys already new that, just wanted to mention it though..In the past, I've gone toe-to-toe with Thirdwitness on a number of occasions, a true company man (or men rather, as I believe there are several who use that singular handle of "Thirdwitness") Anyway, onto some of the reasons...

    1. They view themselves as a "Theocratic Warrior" and expect that God will reward them for fighting for Him.

    2.They thrive on DRAMA, CONFLICT and PERSONAL ATTENTION.They know that if they come here and make excuses for the Society's actions that they WILL get attention.Pathetic and immature, but true.

    3.Some just like to be argumentative

    4.Believe they will be able to turn "lurkers", or those sitting on the fence about leaving, back to being a JW again.This leads into...

    5.Want to play the role of the innocent "conflicted one" while in reality inviting "persecution".This is hoped to provide evidence that those who leave the Org are dangerous and evil.The more lost, nasty and evil they can get someone to appear, the more they feel they've made the point.JW=Good. Apostate=Bad.This also ties into the next one...

    6.Martyr Syndrome."Oh that poor apologist, look at the beating they're taking, that poor thing ! " "I can't believe how sweet that apologist is and look how they're get treated for sharing their innocent view." Etc.,etc.Pity triggers emotions and skews logic."If that's how those apostates behave, I want nothing to do with them.The Watchtower was right ! "

    Yes, it's obvious the intention of many of the apologists is not to provide a "balanced" viewpoint but rather to make as many here look as bad as possible so they can show everyone just how wicked we are.They often have their response planned out in advance, kind of like the Reasoning Book."The apostate says this, I say that.I look innocent, they look bad." Of course, they always throw in the old standard: "Hey, look at my comments, I don't agree with everything they say , I'm just trying to sort things out for myself ! " Yeah sure...

    Just an additional note.There are many opposing viewpoints here about many different issues, that certainly is not bad in itself.Being one-sided does little to sharpen the intellect and a contrary opinion at least allows one to contemplate viewpoints they may not have previously considered.However, when one defends the reprehensible, or just plain stupid, for no other reasons than the above cited ones, they make themselves equally as reprehensible and empty defensive arguments are usually pretty easy to spot.Sometimes it's actually kind of comical.You can see where someone will make a statement and you say to yourself: "Just about now an apologist will be showing up to use that old standard catch phrase.......wait for it......."But they're IMPERFECT ! " and the next thing you know , it happens.It's like a caricature really and all the while they think that no one notices.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I unapologetically am here for access to the Girls of the Wild Beast Calendar. What's the password again? I want to see who Miss June is....

  • treadnh2o

    Probably typing real slow and counting their time.

  • BreakingAway
    Probably typing real slow and counting their time.

    Oh crap, yeah, I forgot counting time ! Add that one to the list !

  • carla

    If you are looking for some apologists go to Beliefnet jw discussion, there are quite a few there.

  • flipper

    MILLIGAL- That is weird how people think that they know the ages in general of people on the board. This witness told you she thought it was just a bunch of young people posting here ? LOL! We have teenagers up to people in their 80's posting on JWD ! Funny! That is good that you shared your story with this witness - perhaps she won't pre-judge people before hearing their stories in the future.

    WINNOWER - I feel the witnesses are misguided- and feel they are doing the right thing. Like you say - it could be part of the " lost sheep " campaign that they are on trying to save us wayward " apostates ". LOL! But their reasonings are very super predictable and they are like " mind controlled zombies. " Very well put by you. Yes- I am grateful to be out and to have broken free from that cult.

    DONE 4 GOOD- Yes- I agree. By watching the ridiculousness of their arguments - these apologists do show how sick the borg is.

    AWAKENED at GILEAD- I would PM the poster called JH because I believe he got the JWD Wild Beast calendars together .

    BREAKING AWAY- Good points you make ! Thanks ! I believe like you, that these apologist witnesses are thriving on , " drama, conflict, and personal attention ", as you said. They want to appear conflicted and almost invite apostates to attack their points - so as to curry empathy to prove apostates are cruel and mean, allegedly . They try to suck us in- then jump on us .

    TRADNH20- No doubt you are very correct ! I'm quite sure witnesses log on to JWD and count their time ; all the time typing real slow and witnessing to us methodically !

    CARLA- Good advice Carla ! Yeah, any witnesses who want to uphold the witnesses should check out that website you mentioned

  • nelly136

    when i left the dubs i spent more time justifying and excusing their actions towards me to my work mates etc who couldnt understand why people would be treated that way, it was only a long time later i realised how nuts that must have sounded at the time. It took quite a while before i lost my protective loyalties, and even today although its not my 'choice' i can still understand how the conditioning has made them the way they are and deep down they are convinced its the right way to be.

    I think some of the pepes that come here are stuck in a kind of limbo, they havent managed to find their niche on the outside and they long for the rose coloured cocoon even though they wont make the effort to go back, so they continue to live in no mans land.

    maybe it irks them a little that other people can actually leave and have fun, while they spend all their time looking over their shoulders to the fairytale fantasy they miss sooooo much but can't be arsed to go back to, cos its easier to do that than actually concentrate on improving the life they've got already, if they werent so fixated in recapturing something that didnt exist (else they wouldnt have left in the first place) its far easier to blame the world satan and everything else than take responsibilty for your own fek ups. i know cos i've done it.

    jw exclusive boards have no patience for them, which leaves ex boards. over the years ive seen people seeking reinstatement hang on ex boards because no jw board would have them unless they lied about being an active jw, some of them have stated that the only reason they'll come to places like this and talk to pepes like us is cos no one wants to know them on jw boards.

    so theyre quite happy for the conversation here till their need has past.....then they disapear into the reinstatement sunset and you dont see them again (unless they get booted from the mothership womb for some other reason)

    whatever their reasons variety is the spice of life. it would be a very boring place if we all shared the same collective thoughts and opinions.

  • MissingLink

    End of the month. Gotta get some "time" ™ in or else be slapped with an "irregular" ™ label and kicked out of "the ark" ™ .

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