More Evidence that Jehovah Is a Tyrant

by WTWizard 45 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    I have observed that Jehovah God is far from the loving Father He portrays Himself to be. Stifling my sex drive, and then exploiting it by using it to get me into a cult, hardly qualifies God as being loving. And neither does continuing to stifle the sex drive after I am trying to leave the cult and quite likely using the hounders to reclaim me as their slave.

    I found another web site that any theist should urgently look up before looking into any religion, whether Jehovah's Witnesses or any other "Christian" or Islam religion. This is at . If you look there, you will see a nice debate as to whether God is worthy of being worshiped at all. Causing this kind of sxxx as well as poverty, crime, disasters, and even death itself does not qualify God as loving at all.

    This also discusses the stark possibility that God Himself could actually be a super-demon. If so, His creation would be subject to the sort of injustice that is so glorified in the Bible. People getting killed for not worshiping Him, stupid mistakes leading to damnation, demands for wasteful sacrifice that serve no purpose, and the herd mentality are so common throughout the Bible's old testament. If this viewpoint is true (and my life basically confirms it), then it is possible for Jehovah's Witlesses (or some other cult--you guess, and if you guess wrong, you are eternally damned) to be the truth according to this Baghead God.

    However, before joining, ask yourself this. Would you want to live forever on a "paradise" Earth, in the New Dark Ages, that is presided by some Almighty Baghead like God?

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    Heh. You're preaching to the choir here!

    Even at a young age, I thought Jehovah (when I still believed he existed) was a hateful, petty, spiteful, misogynistic, vindictive bully.

    He creates Adam and Eve. Oh wait. He creates Adam alone. He created male and female animals, but decided a human female wasn't needed. Whoops. So then he created Eve out of Adam's rib. Right.

    Then, he places the tree of good and knowledge in the garden. He didn't create just an average tree. No, he created it as something desirable and longed for to the eyes and placed it right smack in the middle of the garden. He then tells them no no, you can't eat from it because then you'll know right from wrong.

    Basically A & E were wandering around as naked, amoral creatures.

    Keep in mind, that Jehovah is all knowing and all seeing. He could see into the future. He knew what was going to go down.

    Now we can't have A & E happily wandering around paradise, trying to ignore this tree. No, we have to throw a monkey wrench into the works. Suddenly here comes Satan saying, aw go on! Eat!

    Since Jehovah obviously hates anything with tits and a uterus, Eve, the weak one, ate the fruit and then seduces her hubby into doing it as well.

    Jehovah is all knowing. HE KNEW THAT WOULD HAPPEN! It was a set up from the word go.

    RAWR! YOU ATE MY FRUIT! BAD BAD BAD BAD! OUT YOU GO! Oh, and by the way, I'm going to curse every human from now until I decide to get over it. Whenever that is. I know when, but I ain't gonna tell you! Don't look at me like that! Y'all had free will. This isn't my fault. Now get!

    And so, humans were cursed from that day on.

    Plenty of more examples of this childish behavior throughout the bible. Killing innocent people, smashing babies on rocks, genocide, demanding human sacrifice (then graciously changing his mind at the last second), allowing (if not endorsing) rape, narcissistic behavior, being jelous and proud of it, sadism, etc. All the while, pointing his finger and telling someone that it was all their fault because of something one of the distant ancestors did.

    Where is the love here?! I don't see it. What, was it supposed to be that he gave us life?! Thanks, but no thanks. If he was going to be like that, he could just have well stopped at the animals.

    One day I woke up and came to the realization that he isn't even real and I've been at peace ever since.

  • S3RAPH1M

    "in the general wreck of superstition, of false systems of government, and false theology, we lose sight of morality, of humanity, and of the theology that is true." "I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life." "I believe in the equality of man, and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy." "I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church." "All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit." "Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe." AGE OF REASON: by Thomas Paine

  • Gopher

    Since I'm an atheist who doesn't believe Jehovah/Yahweh is real any more than Zeus or a Native American rain god are real, I would suggest that it is people in various religious priesthoods or leadership roles who are the real tyrants, the real dominators of their fellow men. They threaten their subjects with punishment for disbelief or disobediience. That is tyrannical, and it can be easily seen throughout mankind's history.

  • BurnTheShips

    I don't think God is a tyrant. I think we blame our own tyrannies on God. As for the article, it is unconvincing.

    I love God, and God loves me. I believe He is worthy of worship. As for Heaven,

    However, as it is written:
    "No eye has seen,
    no ear has heard,
    no mind has conceived
    what God has prepared for those who love him" but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.


  • Carlos_Helms

    Right on, Burn. My thoughts exactly. It has been my experience that what people fear (and hate) most is their own incredible capacity for evil. Often times they join a church as a force for external control (self-control being a function of really KNOWING God, not BEING religious). When the move toward God fails (as it inevitably must without proper motivation), there is no self-discipline upon which to fall-back and the formerly religious person blames God for his own failure. Without God in the equation, a person always fail to see himself as part of the problem. Heaven forbid that anyone take responsibility for himself in the 21st century! The man/God relationship is absolutely dependent on a man's relationship with himself. He must first see himself as he really is...not as he imagines himself to be.

    And that is all God asks...


  • journey-on

    I don't know about "Jehovah" anymore, but I know that God's (not the sky daddy kind....but the Divine Intelligence) essence is Love.

    This love can only dwell in the body temple if the body temple is prepared for it. If you don't love yourself or your fellow man, how do

    you expect the essence of the Divine to dwell there?


    No other single human being in the past knew God Yahweh better than Jesus Christ who did many more good things than any other human being on the face of the earth ! And yet Jesus humbly confessed " Why do you call me good ? Only God is good "-Matthew 19.17.

    Many claim the Bible can be interpreted in many different ways ! So why these folks who try paint God in a wrong way can't interpret the Bible the way it will picture God of the Bible the most favorable way to His name and keep their faith untouched ?

    God Yahweh according to the witnesses who knew Him is Almighty God and He created the endless universe and controls each and everz particle of it and knows everything. You could not lift a hand without God moving all particles in your hand !

    The fact that you blaspheme against God Yahweh and you can still live and do the things you want to do are thanks to the love and power and wisdom of God of the Bible.He should have destroyed you instantly before you spoke any word against God.

    But here is a clue why God calls somebody who denies Him a fool !

    Either God Yahweh exists for you or not .If He exists you are a sure loser as there cannot be any argument with God who created such complex universe and directs any part of it ! And He is the only life giver for eternity .

    The other side of the story is no one should argue with somebody that doesn't exist for them ! It is arguing with the empty air and that is foolishness according to God of the Bible.

  • ex-nj-jw

    God Yahweh according to the witnesses who knew Him is Almighty God and He created the endless universe and controls each and everz particle of it and knows everything. You could not lift a hand without God moving all particles in your hand !

    Well I guess this explains why god can't help those really in need. Sheesh! He's busy moving hands all day


  • dinah

    Carlos, you are a wise man.

    I must admit, the God in the Old Testament does seem MEAN, jealous, demanding, petty. BUT, me being human, it's quite possible there is just alot I don't understand about him.

    Now, when Christ was here, he tried to show us things in human terms that we could understand. It just kinda made me feel like God has split personalities or something.

    I just don't get it.

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