Do JWs really believe the end is near?

by keyser soze 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    This is a great topic.

    My JW friends in their 20s and 30s are the classic example of cognitive dissonance. When it comes up, they will spout the WT line that [insert news item here] means the end is near. But, at the same time, they are buying houses, having kids, and even taking *gasp* college courses in order to get promotions at their *gasp* full-time jobs.

  • Mary

    I saw a quote in one of the more recent WT studies that says something to the effect of: '....whether our destiny is to survive this wicked old System of Things or to be resurrected in the New System, let us blah, blah, blah........"

    A not-so-subtle 'hint' that perhaps the WTS doesn't plan on The End actually arriving "soon" after all.

  • Peppermint

    Thinking back to when I was a believer if I was asked that question I would wholeheartedly say yes. Did I really, really believe it to be near? err yes, I guess. Being honest with myself now however I recognise that it was always a rather hazy notion, one that I didn't really open my mind to think about clearly, but just accepted. I wouldn't call it brainwashing because in many ways I was the one responsible for not being critical of what I believed - I wanted that belief as a reality. So I would say yes, they do believe the end is near, but it's a fragile belief if explored too deeply.

  • Mariusuk.

    This is the thing, i think JW's on the surface believe the end is near but deep down know it is not. Seriously think about it, if some being came to you and said "in one years time the world will end" would you not be out as much as possible warning people what they need to do, you would NEVER stop trying with your family, you would look like a nutjob and I mean more of a nut job than JW's do. However it is a really lukewarm attitude JW's have, considering they believe BILLIONS of people are going to die including members of their own families they are a bit carefree about it all. Is this the attitude of people who GENUINELY believe the end is around the corner?

  • Sasha

    I volunteer in a Pet Store, at the cat consordium, and my boss mentioned something I never thought I'd hear her say:

    It was just after the Rekivik (Sorry about the spelling) (Multiple Scelrosis brainfog) earthquake. She said, "Well it looks like the Jehovah Witnesse's were right abut the world coming to an end."

    I told her, well, most of the preachers are saying that now......Not immenent....someday, the great tribulation may be having birth pangs, but we have a way to go, quite a way to go.That's my belief


    Every JW I have known,has believed "The end is near.".....Right into old age.....Then..They died.....LOL!!...............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Alexia

    I believed it was right around the corner. World events: 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (I was in the middle of it) gulf war #1, Berlin Wall, first attacks on the WTS, Oklahoma City bombing, Rwanda, Columbine, and eventually 911 had me thinking we were right on the edge of it. As I became a teen (when most of the events I listed happened) was even more fearful because I wasn’t living my life like I thought I should.

    My mother drilled into me that we are getting close. I was 10-11 during the ’89 earthquake and the “earthquakes in one place after another” scared the crap out of me.

    Now my mother tells me that it’s the “last DAY” of the system. (sigh) With that said, she has saved for her retirement (on year 39 at her job), make sure she has substantial heath coverage when she retires, house is paid off, and takes vacations.

  • hamsterbait

    Is this post gonna be accepted?

    I CANNOT log on!!


  • hamsterbait

    Weel -

    That is bizarre!

    I cannot log on yet my last post was accepted!

    Something's wrang in the State of Denmark...


  • thepackage

    I feel many know the end is not near but need to hold on the concept it so they can deal with their sad life. I always heard people say “Oh, the end is so close!” but, their actions showed otherwise. When I first believe all the lies I thought we would not make it to the year 2000!!!!!

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