What was your first time like?

by searchingforfriends 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • imissmaine

    Thrilled and nervous as all get out! Wasn't I SFF???

  • Priest73

    Damn. Make me look.

  • Layla33

    You got me. I was so thinking this was about something else.

    My first time here I just looked around a bit, came back joined up and then promptly forgot about it. I had made peace with not being a JW and had gone through all the uncertainty and all of the feeling of loss a long time ago. BUT then a beloved family member of mine died not too long ago and I hadn't stepped in a KH in many years and when I did, it all came back and I needed to go to a place to vent to only people who could understand because with my friends it was too many explanations to just get out what was bothering me. So it took a good two years to come back after I first dipped in the pool. It was nice.

  • DanTheMan

    The first apostateā„¢ site that i checked out was escapefromwatchtower.com and i was scared shitless. By the time I landed here I had already gotten a lot of JWism out of my system, so no nerves. My introductory post sucked though, and set a pattern for much that would follow, lol

  • oneairhead

    I thought to myself "you airhead" thus the name.


  • SirNose586

    I remember feeling unusual warmth. It felt like I was plunging into something unfamiliar and I was very cautious about it...but once I got good feedback, the next times were more and more relaxed.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I kept looking furtively over my shoulder, afraid somebody was going to walk in on me and catch me in the act. Then I would have to go before a judicial committee and tell all those men the lurid details of my unfaithfulness to Jehovah. Just thinking about the potential embarrassment and shame almost caused a case of postus interruptus.

  • Casper

    Same here, I too thought this was a thread about sex.... I was prepared to tell all... (NOT)

    My daughter first told me about JWD in 2001, I was so excited to find I was not alone...!!! I have been reading ever since.

    The first several post I made, I sounded like I was on speed, talking a mile a minute... so good to get things out in the open.


    That was cute...


  • LouBelle

    Cas - hehehe

    I'm actually a lil angel

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Steve Hassan described in his book how cult members feel when they read something prohibited by their group. Fast pulse, dry mouth, nervous. That was my experience. I honestly thought the demons would start flinging stuff around the room , such was the depth of phobia indoctrination in me.


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