Embarassed at school for being a Witness - Did this happen to you?

by Witness 007 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Simon

    Like many witness kids, I used to get picked on at school but was generally well-behaved.

    One day though I just had enough and fought back, much to the surprise of the kid who thought I was going to be easy pray again and even more to the surprise of the teacher who was writing on the blackboard as the kid I threw over the desk smashed into it face-first.

    After a quick combination of punches made him realise that getting up was probably a bad idea we were sent to the headmistress who was also my English teacher,

    As we walked in and she started to say "now I understand you two boys have been fighting in class .." she looked up and with an amazed look on her face exclaimed "Simon! You've been fighting?!". As I was saying "yes, sorry" the other kid tried to get his side of things in first claiming that I'd started it. She told him that he then had detention for the week for fighting and lying to her about who started it and after checking I was Ok I was off scott-free.

    For the rest of the day I had all the big tough kids that I didn't normally have much to do with patting me on the back saying "nice one greeny" and chants of "Rocky Rocky" as I walked into each lesson. It felt pretty good and no one picked on my after that!

    I think kids should always be taught to avoid conflict if at all possible but if not ... make sure you land some good punches. It's way better than that "turn the other cheek" crap that imaginary dead jew taught

  • uwishufish

    No I made the jws look like the ass by using my free speach rights and dared any of the athority figures (teachers) to tell me different. I came to love being different. As I knew it was total disrespect to act as I did.

    Such as say it again and you'll be hearing from my attorney. I think that's the the jws wanted me to handle problems involving their beliefs.

  • Simon
    Without going into details, I was so traumatized as a JW kid in school that, 6 years after I left school and my son was born, I left the JWs. There was no way in hell I was ever going to put my child through the JW kid experience.

    I think that is what made me start questioning things ... not wanting my kids to have the experience that I had.

  • restrangled

    The Principle in our grade school was a monster. She hated the witness kids and made our lives miserable. There were 5 of us in different grade levels. Mom always made sure she witnessed to her and left literature in the office.

    Her name was Mrs. Anderson, and she was so ugly.....tall, dark, severe, and she had a deep voice.....I hated her.

    Every party, flag salute, Christmas, Valentines, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, the old bag would come and get the 5 of us out of classes and set us in the library giving us extra work to do. There we sat as everyone else was having fun and we had to do extra work.

    Sometimes my parents would come and get me and it was such a relief, but it made me an outsider with all the other kids. I was called a "JEHOVAH"....So that name to this day makes me cringe. It always felt like a dirty word.

    That was up until 6th grade. When I hit 7th, I was in a different school but was made to wear a dress similar to what you have seen on the news with the LDS. Below my knees with flat shoes.

    The first day of 7th grade was the following:

    The entire 7th and 8th grade were sitting in a lowered area, and when I walked in, I was on display for all. The entire school went up for grabs laughing when I came in. There must have been at least 200 kids laughing at me.

    That was the beginning of the end of the JW religion for me.


  • B_Deserter

    Having to sit during the pledge of allegiance and hear the kids doing a terrible job of whispering quietly enough about me so that I don't hear. Also, having to go to the library during sex ed and the evolution parts of biology class.

  • yknot

    I faced a lot of persecution when we moved to rural school district, but I was fully indoctrinated and took it as Satan taunting.

    Funny I was hated by the PO and his posse but yet I gave book reports on WTS pubs.

    I stood silently for the pledge and anthem.

    I went to the library for all other events I was not allowed to participate.

    School is where many of my peers perfected duality.

  • owenfieldreams
  • pseattle2

    Only one person ever gave me hell specifically for being a JW, and that was in first grade. It didn't seem to matter the rest of the time. In fact I found the worldly kids quite friendly. Made an impression.

  • babygirl75

    I forgot how difficult it was to be a JW kid in school; until I went to my son's class christmas party. There was a JW boy in his class that had to leave the room and instead of having fun, had to do work assignments! It made my heart hurt for him!! It then brought back memories of being left out of so many fun activities at school and having your classmates look at you weird. That is something I'm so glad my son doesn't have to go through!!

    I always HATED going in service in my school district. I was always fearful of getting a classmate at the door. When I did, I wanted to just die!!!

  • KKLUV155

    Yea I was picked on terribly. Not only was I a JW but also very poor. I got teased for both. I remember once in second grade the class was sitting at the craft tables coloring christmas pictures. I didn't want to stand out once again so I colored a santa picture. My teacher put it my backpack. I forgot about it until my mom found it. I got one of the worst spankings. I got picked on until Jr. High. My brother never really followed the JW way and a girl was teasing me. I walked off and my brother grabbed me and said " you kick her a$$ or I kick yours" I was scared of my brother so I laid into her with all I had. I was never teased again. Thats when I learned to live a double life.

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