???Do you spank your kids???

by Princess Daisy Boo 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    My kids are grown, but I did spank some of them. I used spanking less and less as my children grew. The last child I never spanked. That child was a lot easier to manage though.

    I believe in a swat on the bottom to protect little ones from themselves. I also think I spanked my older children more because of encouragement from the dubs. Spanking out of anger is never a good idea and I think I crossed that line when I was a young parent.

    There is no one size fits all approach to raising children. Each child differs in temperment. I now believe that spanking a child that can be reasoned with should be the last resort. Taking away privileges is much more effective and instructive. Children need to learn that behavior is linked to what they will accomplish in life.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I spanked my two oldest, in retrospect, it was completely unnessesary. But the society stressed training your kids from infancy. And training included spanking.

    I am extremely ashamed of how young I began spanking my oldest child.

    I have another young one now. She has never been spanked and never will be. I'll let you know in twenty years or so how she turns out

    There are so many more effective ways of getting your child to behave that does not include srtiking them.

    You get really fast results with spanking, I think thats why it appeals to so many people.

  • yknot

    We have a 3 consecutive time-out rule before a swat warning is issued.

    My daughter...nope. She is almost 9 at home the warning of time-outs & time-outs work wonders. If we are in public, usually resort to threatening to dress up like some story book character and picking her up in front of her friends in full costume.

    My son....has probably been swatted 3 times in the last year by his dad.

    When I say swat it means a quick hand to the pants not anywhere near the 'spankings, whoopin's & switchings" we all witnessed or received.

  • llbh

    No neve,r totally not needed it shows a lack of imaginatiiom. What Gill says is so right , if you take away from your children what they most like . that works best

    think that is the problem with most kids these days; their parents don't discipline them and then they get so out of control the parents don't know what to do

    This conflates discpline with spanking , you do not need to spank to discilpline at all. My children are very well behaved without being smacked.

    If someone hits an adult we think it wrong yet we hit our kids, we are teaching them violent behaviour works

    Regards David

  • chickpea

    (too much time has lapsed for me to be able to edit my first post)

    i was pregnant with my first kid while i was still enlisted, so i was still kinda in that mentality, "sir, yes, sir!"

    so as far as other forms of discipline, of course we used the time out, revoked privileges, grounding from the phone, or computer or going to a friend's house, etc..... but the big one was>>>

    push-ups!!! yeah that is what it came down to, especially if there was "feedback"..... drop and give me 20! those were chilling words if you were a blabber mouth 12 YO who thought you knew everything.....

    THEN the deal was "the front leaning rest" ( holding the "up" position of the push-up), the position from which any and all commentary and feedback was appreciated for what it was... writing checks with your mouth that your body could not cash.....

    that oldest one especially wanted to sass, so i let him, and his little scrawny arms would start shaking and he would keep back talking and i would just stand there and let him go at it..... if he didnt wise up, then it was 20 more ( lucky for him it wasnt the 4 count push-up)......

    when they had finally gotten the point, they would have to say >>> permission to recover..... at which time i would either say "on your feet" or break the bad news that my arms werent tired yet


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Whew, can of worms!

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are much more effective ways to teach your child than to hit. It becomes illegal when they are 18, so why is it OK when they are small and defenseless? No logic in it. It is not good for them and it's not good for me. But guess what? They are good kids and respond just fine with words.

  • flipper

    No. They are grown and in their 20's

  • B_Deserter

    I was spanked as a kid and I personally am on the fence about it. On the one hand, it does seem a quite irrational way of handling bad behavior, but on the other hand, children don't have the capacity to reason like adults, so I think it's incredibly naive to think you can persuade them into obedience.

  • JimmyPage

    I spank my child. My parents spanked me as a child. I don't feel I was physically abused. My brother never did anything wrong so he never got spanked. I was always the troublemaker, so I got spanked. It's been my observation that parents who don't spank their kids end up with out of control f*cked up kids.

  • Beep,Beep

    We did when they were younger and only when it was needed. Yes I DO beleive there are times such is needed.

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