Hello everyone! New here. Born into it....ugh.

by Lady Zombie 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • marmot

    Hi there and welcome. Do you still go to the same congregation as your parents?

    If so, just switch congregations and do a fade. Take some night courses that "accidentally" interfere with meetings and bam, you're out!

    You might get the odd shepherding call but if you purposefully make yourself appear a bit anti-social and depressed at the new congregation and don't make much of an impression on the new elders you'll drop off the radar real fast.

    Kudos on the open mind, BTW. Evolution rocks!

    (Wow, re-reading my post and putting myself into a JW mindset, I come across as Satan incarnate. All that's left is for me to coerce you into using drugs and having illicit sex on top of a ouija board while listening to rap.)

  • free2think

    Welcome LZ

  • Twitch

    Welcome !

    Nice avatar,.....Kubrick would be proud.

    Sagan is the man! :)

  • llbh

    Hello and welcome.

    JWD has helped alot of people - myself included.

    Try not to worry about your parents too much and do enjoy your life that is what it is for


  • Quandry

    Just wanted to add my welcome to the forum....hope to hear more from you.

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    No, I don't live at home. But nonetheless, I still feel that because I'm an only child and live in the same town, go to the same congregation, etc., that the Elders would look unfavorably on my father. It's that whole unspoken rules thing the JWs have got going. You know what I mean.

    Sure they would say he wasn't responsible, but you and I both know that the Elders would suddenly start treating him differently if his only offspring turned out to be an agnostic Humanist with a college education

    Speaking of. Although the Society couldn't outright forbid me to go to college, my father received a ton of flak for allowing me to go. And this was way before he decided to seek becoming an Elder.

    The JWs are Orwellian in nature. If you've read 1984, you know what I mean.

    In 1984, party members were technically free to do anything they wished, but in reality, they weren't. Anything other than Party interests were thoughtcrime.

    Hence why I believe my father's chances in becoming an elder would be ruined if I ever came out of the closet.

    Know what I mean?

  • llbh
    The JWs are Orwellian in nature. If you've read 1984, you know what I mean.

    I do know and often call my JW wife the thought police - she does not like that too much.


  • daniel-p

    Welcome, Lady Zombie. Enjoyed your first post, looking forward to more.

  • marmot

    The fact that your dad allowed you to go to college is interesting.

    My grandfather absolutely forbade my uncle from going to college and pushed the issue so far that my uncle disassociated and was shunned to the fullest extent possible. My grandparents have only met his children once, at the funeral for my great-grandmother, and they refused to go to his wedding.

    All this because of higher education.

  • chickpea

    welcome to the board lady zombie.... quite the story you have!

    as another poster suggested, a gradual fade, even from your father's congregation, might be a way to eventually extricate yourself while allowing him to slave for the Slave..... missing a few meetings a month for a while will make it seem usual that sometimes you are missing..... maybe a night class on a meeting night?

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