Steve Hassan's book...

by Mickey mouse 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    ...I just finished reading it. Wow! The only downside for me is that he talks a lot about how important it is to connect with the pre-cult personality. What if one was raised in da troof?! There is no pre-cult me!


  • dwtnphotog

    I have not had a chance to read the book, but I have the same question. What about us that spent our entire lives in it?

  • AudeSapere

    Good point!

    Is there a way to contact him and ask the question??


  • What-A-Coincidence

    then go read the POWER OF NOW ... that should help

  • OnTheWayOut

    Many experts feel (and I agree) that even a "born-in" has a NON-cult self.
    It isn't as developed as the pre-cult personality of the converted in most
    cases, but it's there.

    When you see faithful dubs sending their kids to college despite Mother's
    instructions, that's the non-cult personality.

    When the teens or young adults violate the rules and hide it, it's because
    the non-cult personality is reaching out.

    Many born-in's have political opinions, skip meetings, go to R-rated movies,
    talk to DF'ed relatives, develop "worldly" friends, work overtime, etc.

    There are many examples that prove they have some kind of non-cult

  • by grace
    by grace
    ...I just finished reading it. Wow! The only downside for me is that he talks a lot about how important it is to connect with the pre-cult personality. What if one was raised in da troof?! There is no pre-cult me!

    Yes, try reading the Power of Now, or A New Earth. Find your REAL self NOW, separate from the cult.

  • jgnat

    I agree, there's a real-you in there, sublimated. What activities gave you real joy as a child? Favorite memories or hobbies? I've managed to snap the Witnesses that I know, OUT of the cult personality, just by asking about themselves.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I asked the same question, since Hassan worked under the assumption that his readers had been lured by cults, not raised in them'

    But I am finding my non-cult self.. it takes time.


  • Bring_the_Light

    I don't think there ever was a "cult" version of me.

    My childhood basically was like a group of people constantly doing the Jedi mind trick on me, after the 10,000th time I wanted to grab their hand and scream "I'm NOT LOOKING FOR ANY FxxxNG DROIDS".

    The certainty that the religion is a lie led to a lot of issues with "well what is the truth then?", there are certain paranoia's they instilled in me but I'm not sure leaving was so much "becoming a different me". It was just the same me, who has gradually become less confused by the experience of life. I now know I'm not the crazy one.

    For those of you that don't remember the Jedi Mind Trick, I have graciously offered a visual below.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Thanks for your replies. I will check out those books.


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