How do the elders know if you are truly repentent?

by jetery 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JK666

    They don't, they just know if you kissed their arse enough, or if they have a burr up their butt with you.


  • iceguy

    Actually they now say they are not chosen by holy spirit.

  • WTWizard

    They may as well use the Ouija board. If the Ouija board says that they are repentant, they are accepted back. If not, they are not.

    Well, maybe they won't use the Ouija board. But the methods they use are not much better. They go by the show the victim puts on, and then they make decisions based on how they feel. They claim to go by the Bible, but since the "sin" is often not scriptural, that leads them nowhere. They generally go by their own feelings: If they want the "sinner" to stay in (single brother, no prospects, Value Destroyer Training School/Second Dark Ages material?), they are likely to accept it. If not ("sinner" with family, do not get along with the lead hounder, etc.), they won't.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    By how much you line up with the guidelines given by the Watchtower Corporation for determing how repentant you are. That's all.

  • WingCommander

    The only thing they know how to do is boss people around and give orders. Counsel? Attend all the meetings, be more regular in the field ministry. See? Anyone can be an Elder.

    - Wing Commander

  • OnTheWayOut



    policy is that it is Better to err on the side of mercy

    I had a young MTS grad CO rip me a new one for using that phrase... he told me it was such a serious matter to DF that we elders better not "err"...that the decision had already been made in heaven and that our decision better match...we are dealing with lives.... that Jehovah would deal with us elders (who are supposedly appointed via holy spirit)...and if we did not use the scriptures (which were supposedly written under direction of holy spirit) then our decision would be flawed.... seriously...he said that....

    This must have been a specific instruction for C.O.'s at a time. One told my BOE the same thing.
    "Do not 'err on the side of mercy. Instead, do not err." They were not suggesting that we go soft
    on anyone. At that time, they were suggesting that we deeply read the elders' manual and use
    the WT Library (our only true sources of Holy Spirit other than God).

    That still leaves things up to the opinions of 3 men.

  • Honesty

    The men of the Watchtower Society are so spiritless that they wouldn't and couldn't recognise repentance if their lives depended on it.

  • diamondblue1974

    They cannot know whether you are truly repentant as many have already said on this thread - they can only know to what extent they have made you feel worthless, embarassed, victimised and abused. Once they assess that you have suffered enough and all your self esteem is on the floor and you are well and truly broken, then and only then, they reinstate you.

    Even then, you will be stripped of all your privileges and will be expected to not comment at meetings or have literature in a further effort to make sure the congregation victimises you further, this also greatly contributes to the feelings of isolation and ostracism. When you are finally given your so called privileges back and you are allowed to enjoy full status as a JW the feeling of relief will be so great your whole self esteem will depend on this pseudo acceptance therefore ensuring that you do not fall off the narrow road again!

    It is and has always been about control!

    Sick fuckers!


  • LouBelle

    They don't know - they say they use discernment but truly can a mere man read the heart of another. My cousin (still disfellowshipped) was truly sorry for his "sin" - hell he even went to the elders and told them about it - doesn't that show a repentent attitude?? Anyway the d'fed him because he would spill all the gory details - so until he does they won't reinstate him - I'm quite happy with that situation, as he is drawing more and more away from it, though he's holding on to it as the truth - however he does listen to what I have to say regarding it.

  • lesterd

    Could be the elders have their own reasons for reinstating her.

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