Why I post about atheism

by nvrgnbk 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Oftentimes the accusation is made that there is some sort of conspiracy on JWD amongst the atheists to convert, humiliate, spit on, or otherwise degrade the believers.

    It's been suggested that their tone is condescending and arrogant.

    It's hinted at that they're angry and bitter about their own lives and want to take it out on God and His humble servants.

    Others think it's all just an excuse to lead what they judge to be a morally depraved life.

    Regardless of what we believe about God's existence or lack thereof, most rational adults understand that when we attempt to judge the motives of others we can miss by a mile.

    So here's the reason I post about the topic of atheism...

    I was born as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, fourth generation. I was being indoctrinated with Jehovah while I was still in the womb. My perceived relationship with God would come to affect every aspect of my life. I was taught that everything that was good came from Him. I was also taught, quite logically assuming that He was omnipotent, that whatever bad happened was permitted by Him, but never sent by Him, just permitted.

    Barring some "normal" familial dysfuncionality and the pitfalls of growing up in a cult, I had a childhood that many would envy. I have had a good life. I have no major complaints. I know I enjoy advantages that millions of my fellow humans will never experience.

    Why the atheism then?

    I realized one day that when I worked hard and made good decisions, things would work out, most of the time.

    When I "waited on Jehovah" and thought little about the future and my livelihood, I was oftentimes in trouble.

    It was a vicious cycle.

    If I didn't depend on God, tried to use whatever resources were at my disposal, and took some positive action, I'd probably not feel much need for Him.

    If I let things in His hands, made poor decisions, or worse yet was indecisive, I'd be looking for Him to bail me out all the time.

    So life was better without Him.

    But the real reason for my lack of belief in an omniscient, omnipotent, caring, fatherlike entity is the suffering that I see others experience.

    I'm not talking about emotional pain. I've experienced plenty of that. Regrettably, I know I've caused it in others. A lot of that kind of pain has to do with personal growth and after time has passed, we can be stronger and better for it.

    The kind of suffering that I'm talking about is the kind that has no positive outcome.

    I'm talking about the rape and murder of defenseless children.

    Ethnic cleansing.

    The Holocaust.

    The Nakba.

    The humiliation and near extermination of the Native Americans.


    Birth defects.

    Mental illness.

    The list goes on.

    If there is a God watching it all, what good is He?

    If He's real, why don't those that believe agree on His nature, His identity, His name, His purpose?

    Why isn't everyone favored with a "special" experience so that they too can have faith?

    I post about this openly on this forum because I'm sure that some Witness that is lurking may have the same questions and may be going crazy trying to make sense of it all.

    I have no answers, but I found it comforting when I was lurking here to know that others had struggled with the same.

    Why the sometimes blasphemous tone?

    I learned that from the Bible.

    Jehovah and His supporters were forever calling out and taunting the other deities.

    When their blasphemy was met with silence or inactivity, that was pointed to as proof of the competing deity's nonexistence.

    So maybe the blasphemous atheists are just trying to imitate Jehovah and the prophets, trying to wake up a sleeping, defecating, or otherwise occupied God.

    Most atheists I know say that they'll become believers when evidence that supports belief is presented.

    Till then...

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Here, Here! I'll second that emotion!


  • Bring_the_Light

    I've often come around to the same idea, when thinking about the question of Athiesm vs Agnosticism vs some form of Theistic belief.

    We need to ask ourselves:

    Are we asking what is best? or are we asking what is TRUE? There is no guarantee that Truth will make you happy, guide you in your life decisions, cause you to be surrounded by a loving community or ANYTHING else.

    I am mostly interested in truth. If we are asking what is TRUE, I have the one true religion. Everyone be an Agnostic and come look for what insight can be scraped together with me. We are the only mindset which for sure is not factually incorrect in our religious views. I don't think of myself as much different than an "Athiest", but there is a subtle difference in my perspective that I think is important. The "QUESTION" is extremely real, Athiests tend to focus on how religious people are deluded (as they obviously are). There is more to it than that, the question is real, it is the answers that are fake. This leaves the question of what is the "truth". I really do not think "there is no god" is a very satisfying conclusion to the question any more than "I'm a moron that believes everything I'm told about god, and it works as long as I don't think". To recognize the immensity of the predicament we mortals find ourselves in is the greatest intellectual pleasure I've ever experienced. Knowing how little you know about what you are is perhaps the deepest spiritual awakening I can imagine.

    If you're asking what is BEST, well that's much more complicated. Certainly Athiestic perspective unleashed against the abuses of religion is extremely useful. Athiesm is a nice dressing down of people who otherwise would be dangerous. Athiests are the whistleblowers on religion. Religion/belief also has the various social and personal benefits that everyone is aware of.

    I dont' think providence comes from being deluded, or being disillusioned or any balance therebetween. There is something else to find. Before I die, I'll find it and write a book about it.


  • nvrgnbk

    That's it, B_t_L.

    Just trying to see reality.

    Nothing more.

    Nothing less.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Knowing how little you know about what you are is perhaps the deepest spiritual awakening I can imagine.

    Well said, BTL.

    "The plague of mankind is the certainty of knowing".


  • watson

    Very good post NVR. I can relate totally.


  • jaguarbass

    Why I read post about atheism. I like to see who has the best arguments.

    To my scoring its not a blow out either way.

    Faith is required in theism and atheism.

    I mean if you really believe.

    Agnostim is low energy, low stress, no faith, luke warm. That everyone wants to spit out.

    The past month or so I am contemplating that reincarnation is the missing piece of the puzzle.

    Regardless, I do not believe there are any concrete answers, its all faith.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Faith is required in theism and atheism.

    What faith is required to say "I don't believe in God"?


  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    You've missed the plot. IMO

  • Gopher

    Well said, Nvr !!

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