Is the Tower of fear and deception really starting to crumble ?

by Homerovah the Almighty 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • bud2114

    Thanks Sweet Pea - my username has no significance to 1914, just coincidence.

  • carla

    If it really is begining to crumble that would be great! In my house my jw seems to have gotten more zealous

  • garybuss

    Witnesses I know personally are loyal to the corporation to the core. I could show them a picture of the Governing Body members all in Vegas drunk, playing blackjack, and screwing whores and it wouldn't phase them one bit. They'd say: "The end is near!".

    The only change I see in the Witness people is that they are dumber than they were last year. They've had 365 disconfirmations in a row since last year and they still line up for religious gruel and they love it.

    If they've spent 40 years as a Witness, they've seen fourteen thousand six hundred disconfirmations in a row and they can explain away every single one. They can't have one single rational bone in their body.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Good comments everyone,

    Its just guess work on how many times the Borg can spin the wheels of delusion, maybe now they can see they're running out of spins

    And you know they never have to return the money for false advertising or have their wrists slapped by a Government agency.

  • WTWizard

    I wonder if they are going to go from an organization that relies on initiatory fraud and threat of force in order to gather and hold onto members, to one that relies on initiatory force itself to do the same.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Maybe they are positioning themselves to take the money and run, before the law suits take it all away .

  • AgentSmith

    I still have family trapped inside the Borg! Therefore I pray everyday that it all comes crashing down in spectacular the wall of Jericho. Seen the movie 'IronMan' with Robert Downey Jnr? The Jericho bomb? The WBTS must come down like that!!!

    Where would the rot set in first? The congregations further away from the head office? The local cong has bethelites in them and they tend to be the most militant. I found that when I lived in Johannesburg. The elders are more relaxed the further away from Bethel you get....

    If I must walk around the Bethel with a bullhorn, seven times, no problem! Who's with me?

  • yourmomma

    i can only speak of my own experience, but i was a hardcore witness and so were my family. but the ammount of information on the net is undeniable for an honest person. fortunately my family puts honesty and truth as the #1 most important thing, and so it was easy for everyone to see that the WTS is lying. im also very easy going and forgiving, but there is just too much bad stuff for it to be "God's sole channel". so i wonder if people like us are gone after research, there is a problem. now, granted they will always have the mindless followers, but they will lose and any all honest hearted people eventually. and i agree about young people, the young people i know as soon as they hear not to go on the internet that is exactly what they do. this younger generation is not stupid, this wts bs might of worked on us old people with no internet, but these kids wont tolerate no answers to their questions.

  • worf

    WT Wizard: Definitely true about your comment on initiatory force.

    Homerovah the Almighty: There is no doubt that they are positioning themselves to take the money and run.

    Most of the older so-called "leaders", GB and others have died or are dying off. These younger ones up in there in the legal dept and the other upper echelon sections of the borg want their piece of the pie, so they can continue to live the easy life after the belief system crumbles entirely to dust. They know the borg is a sham and that they will not be able to continue to promote this scam pseudo-religion forever. The selling off of all the property all of a sudden in these last couple of years, and the continual selling is proof of that. Someone here even posted a few weeks ago that now all of the WT property in Brooklyn is now up for sale and that investors were being invited to look at the various pieces of property.

    Its a bullshit pseudo-religion, the biggest scam ever on this planet, and the so-called leaders know it, as they have always known it. They have been riding it and now its on its last broken legs.

    Do not be surprised at a "kool-aid" situation that occurs in which many lives within the borg suddenly end and the evil slavemasters in Brooklyn and Patterson try to get away with it. For those of you who are still in, keep your eyes, ears, and mind open. And if you attend future memorials, you'd better be careful about putting any of those so-called emblems into your mouth.

    Remember Jim Jones and what happened to his cult in 1979.


  • kool aid man06
    kool aid man06

    Yes the Tower of fear and deception, that is the Watchtower, is "dead it just hasn't fallen over yet".The "mass exodus" has already begun. See recent topic posted by Kool aid man 06 on "has the mass exodus begun". The schizophrenic behavior of the Watchtower org. is creating a "new breed" of Witnesses. They are very liberal, and not wanting to follow all the rigid rules in the organization. Some of these Witnesses have made themselves manifest in our recent live telephone conference call. To listen to recorded calls go to Scroll down on home page and click conference calls.

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