the sons of god began to notice....

by lilyflor 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • lilyflor

    NWT Gen 6: 2

    then the sons of the [true] God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves namely, all whom they choose.

    Where did these angels get their sexual urges from?

  • Narkissos

    Somehow the title of your thread reminded me of how silly the New World overTranslation of Hebrew verbal forms can get: "began to notice" for "saw"...

    Zooming out: this story actually makes better sense in its polytheistic background, where "sons of god" meant "gods" just as "daughters of men" meant "women" -- "angels" is actually a reinterpretation of the expression in the later context of Jewish monotheism.

    Now gods fooling around with women (and goddesses with men) is a very widespread feature in ancient mythology -- the sexual drive of many deities being taken for granted.

  • Satanus

    Um, testosterone?? Um, they got tired of animals? That archaic mythology sure is wierd.


  • Awakened07

    Taken at face value (and without interpreting it to death as usual), it makes as much sense as me looking at bolts of lightening, marvel at their beauty, and therefore suddenly feeling the urge to... copulate with this energy. Unless of course, the angels were created with human urges, directed at humans (and of course, only women).

    As for apologetics, I've read that some feel these are not angels or gods, but human men. Not sure that gels with the text itself, but. Another apologetic I think is that these angels didn't really have human urges, but wanted to experience something that evidently was appealing to humans; that they were jealous. If you want the text to work, you only need to twist it a little and add a few things between the lines. Not that hard.

  • JK666

    They were pervs.


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Thats a good freaking question (hey play on words.)

    You have these spiritual creatures who unlike us are 'perfect' and you would think asexual(do to the fact all spirit creatures are believed to have only masculine qualities.) I remember 1 C.O that said that the angels marveled at the creation of woman because it was a break from the fixed norm, a truly new creation.

    I have Always believed, how can man fight his 'NATURAL' sexual urges, when the 'son's of GOD' gave in to their 'UN-NATURAL' lust for the daughters of men.

    Of course this whole episode is a tribute to the power of the female sex to tempt even those without male genitallia.

  • lilyflor

    these replies are hilarious..........i especially love "tired of animals"

    not that the JWs would have given this scripture much thought, but I was thinking of throwing this one at my hardcore JW mom, wondering what kind of explanation she might come up with

  • james_woods

    I sometimes wonder if this sort of guff is not actually the source of all those "abducted by aliens in the flying saucer, and they had their way with me" stories that the UFO cultists love to tell...

  • journey-on

    Let's tie this in with Sacolton's thread on the Pleiades. Perhaps the "sons of God" were Jehovah's custodial extraterrestrials.

    And....they're b-a-a-a-ck!

  • Sirona

    Spirit beings are not all considered to be male - they are without any one gender. It was always explained that the use of "he" was simply because in English they didn't want to say "it".


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