
by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 32 Replies latest social humour

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Jose and Carlos are panhandlers. They panhandle in different areas of a Southern California town. Carlos panhandles just as long as Jose but only collects 2 to 3 dollars every day. Jose brings home a suitcase FULL of $10 bills, drives a Mercedes, lives in a mortgage-free house and has a lot of money to spend.

    Carlos says to Jose, 'I work just as long and hard as you do but how do you bring home a suitcase full of $10 bills every day?'

    Jose says, 'Look at your sign, what does it say?'

    Carlos reads his sign. 'I have no work, a wife and 6 kids to support.'

    Jose says, 'No wonder you only get 2-3 dollars a day.'

    Carlos asks, 'So what does your sign say?'

    Jose shows Carlos his sign.

    It reads, 'I only need another $10 to move back to Mexico.'

  • momzcrazy

    Very good one!


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    J.T rascist jokes come from ignorant, low I.Q people, who's parents and family did not teach them any respect for other, less fortunate folks, do you know any black jokes? Or disabled Jokes maybe? probably don't realize in the rest of the world people are cracking jokes about Americans.....nice job man, well done.

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    rascist jokes come from ignorant, low I.Q people

    You don't know me very well! I'm anything but a racist. I think Hispanics are among the hardest working, honest people I know. I thought the joke was funny, not for the "send them home" attitude, but his INGENUITY and CLEVERNESS. Cheers!!

  • GentlyFeral

    I'm with TJ on this one - hermano was making money off white people's racism.


  • SnakesInTheTower


    you probably don't realize in the rest of the world people are cracking jokes about Americans...

    Probably so....I was thinking just that: It is human nature to make fun of each other, especially people different than us physically, racially, socially, economically, etc. Not that it makes it is not..... and it is not for me to comment if it is "right" or "wrong" to do so...I am not the morality police (and not an elder anymore either..)

    as to the joke, I admit I laughed...not because of supposed "racist" overtones...but at the ingenuity of Jose...and the stupidity of the people who keep giving Jose $10. Hey, if the government can keep taking fools money via the Lottery and the casinos can keep taking fools money...why not Jose for coming up with a pretty good idea to take care of his family. Nothing illegal.....more power to him.

    oh...that's was just a joke.....

    Snakes (of the "white male with a sense of humor; not a racist" Sheep Class)

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    No one should make money or laughs off always starts off "HEY I'M NOT RACSIST BUT...did ya here the one about the black guy....this does not cover you dude!.......Like me saying; "I'm not rascist...I don't think Americans are the dumbest hillbillies in the world, but...did ya hear about the American President who invaded two countries, and bankrupted his own country....Oh wait this is really funny! offense, this joke is just very well crafted......"

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    No one should make money or laughs off racism

    Witness007, do you make jokes about or laugh at JW's?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Snakes would you crack a "Black" joke at a meeting where 95% of the people were black...and then say "What?....It was just a Joke!"

    T.J joking about a nameless Witness person with a dress stuck in her crack....funny! Making a joke about how Americans would pay good money to get Mexicans out of their country is rascist and bad taste....don't you see a difference? Tell that joke in a Mexican Bar on your next trip and see what happens.

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    it always starts off "HEY I'M NOT RACSIST BUT...

    Are you saying I'm racist?

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