E-mail to JW Ex-Wife: What You Can Learn Researching the WTS in 3 Hours!

by Seeker4 86 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Seeker4

    Thanks, MJ. I've got most of Russell's books and all the Studies in the Scriptures. I'll take a look.


  • jwfacts
    trinity is a misconception that may never have come about if jehovah's name hadn't been removed,

    Since God's name or Tetragrammaton never appears in the New Testament, Jesus and the apostles examples show it is not a word we should use. Are you suggesting that Jesus is at fault for the Trinity "misconception" developing.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Great email & I hope it hits the target!

    Oh, and for anyone who even considers taking JCanon seriously, just read through a selection of his posts to get a glimpse of the inner workings of this troubled individual's mind, and then read The Gentile Times Reconsidered by Carl Olof Jonsson.

    Here's a taster: http://user.tninet.se/~oof408u/fkf/english/chronology.htm

  • willyloman
    I've got most of Russell's books and all the Studies in the Scriptures. I'll take a look.

    Whoa, be careful! You start reading apostate literature, next thing you know you're not going to meetings.


    If you read my posts on my understanding the Bible and the end-times you can find that they are at this time the best organized christian religion. Can you find another church on this planet earth that is better in line with what the Bible teaches?

    Many of those who left Jehovahs Witness organization as a result of the failed 1975 prediction jumped from the frying pan into fire !
    Have you heard about Harold Camping from Family Radio Stations,Inc ? He doesn't agree with Jehovah's Witnesses basically but how he interestingly preaches about the Bible and I who side with Jehovah's Witnesses could listen to him for hours .

    Read posts on this forum made by some former Jehovah's Witnesses and compare what they are writing now with what Harold Camping teaches alone.

    I am astounded when I check Friends section and see how difficult is to join in the discussion as I see many topics are way out of what truly believing christians should write about.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I believe OBVES is a nut, truly

  • Mightyone
    Many of those who left Jehovahs Witness organization as a result of the failed 1975 prediction jumped from the frying pan into fire !

    Lets see, how did that bible verse go again? Oh Yeah! "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father."

    So basically, if the G.B. themselves tell you that armageddon is here, it's your own fault for listening....besides, they didn't make a prediction, they pointed to indicators. Indicators that Jesus himself left for us to look at, if people misinterpert that, its their fault. I've read all of the supposed evidence that 1975 was the end,,,,it's a bunch of bull...they did call it a year to watch, just like some of us "watched what would happen in 1987,,,international year of peace..we thought the end could come, but I didn't motgage my house, quit my job, hide in the bomb shelter, drink the kool aid...I went on about my life and still pray for Jehovah to straighten things out....

    People that look for a specific date, need to reevaluate why they serve God. Is it out of love, or is it out of selfish want. I say the latter. If you were serving God because you truely love him and want to see his name vidicated, you would do it no matter what. You wouldn't get discouraged and quit because it didn't come when you thought it should.

  • Seeker4

    Are OBVES and JCANON one and the same?

    I might joke with you JC, but I'm glad you're on JWD. I also think I knew you and had some discussions with you under a little different persona on your part, perhaps in the old H2O days?

    You're the Crazy Uncle in our extended JWD family - the one that always made the family gatherings a little more entertaining!


  • V

    Fact checkers: Russell is NOT buried under the pyramid memorial, but instead has his own gravestone.

    Good letter Seeker4, but shotgunning JWs with everything apostate is very uneffective. One or two triggers and the mind goes...off. If you have any errors in your text, they will immediately be used to disregard the rest of the valid content.

    Sorry, but my opinion is your ex-wife will just use your email to validate the Society's "scary apostate" programming.

  • Seeker4

    V- You may be right. We've talked about a lot of this stuff over the years - we were together a long time. So it's not all new. My ex is not the type to research much of anything. She studies her WT, underlines for all the meetings. You know. Typical JW.

    I guess part of what I was trying to get across was that when you do just that superficial study and you swallow a lot of the WTS mythology, you think, wow, the Witnesses have an answer for EVERYTHING. They're just so wonderful.

    Perhaps more than trying to convince her to change her view and leave the Witnesses, which I never see happening, I wanted her to realize that there were A LOT of issues the WTS has trouble dealing with. That's why I brought up several things.

    She's one of those JWs who's conditioned to feel that anyone who leaves can never do it for a good reason - say, that the WTS makes no sense, that there is a huge body of fact that contradicts many JW beliefs, etc. People only leave because they are weak, stumbled, etc.

    That was part of why I did that. I really wasn't thinking I'd convince her to leave, just that I might shake that blind confidence that everything JW was better than everything else, that the WTS really has things all figured out.


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