Noah's ark - Can't believe I once actually thought it was true

by sam_sane_now 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    All the animals were in a trance and hybernating....water canopy - yeah right! Noah by himself, builds a Cruise Ship out of logs and tar........yeah right!

  • Seeker4

    Liberty - right on!

    The Flood story is so flawed, and I know it bothers a lot of still active JWs because they've talked with me about it.

    There is a website I was reading last week where, over a period of years, one brother wrote to the WTS laying out, very clearly and respectfully, the insurmountable mountain of evidence proving that the Flood could never have happened.

    In one of their answers, they actually used as "proof" of their position comments from a "scientific" book written in the 1700s!! All of the letters are posted there.

    Some brothers there must know how pathetic that is!


  • 1914BS

    Jehobnob drowned everyone then felt regrets for doing so. Jehobnob is perfect so how could he feel regret over a perfect decision?

  • hamsterbait

    The WT has actually falsified the info on "frozen mammoths", the fossils of fish on Everest, and scores of other details.

    the fact that a wooden vessel that long would break up into three once afloat.

    The animals on the lower decks would suffocate.

    The methane from the shit would blow it to bits

    Over a 120 years period the logs would be rotting and full of woodworm.

    Oh yes, they claim the "theocratic strategy " argument. Yet Paul says that the weapons of true Christians are not those of the darkness.

    Why would anybody trust them on the Jesus Issue?


  • logic&reason

    I read a book called "Noah's Flood" about a year ago... It had a decent explanation for the prevalence of the flood myth.

    There is evidence of a massive flood in the region of the Black Sea about 10,000 years ago.

    Pretty good theory.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Just look at what happened after the recent cyclone where many drowned ... the horror of dead bodies, animal and human.

    How did Noah (and the animals) survive being surrounded with filthy water containing rotting carcasses?

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I've never questioned the flood before... I will need to do more research on it...


  • hooberus


    John Woodmorappe. 1996. Institute for Creation Research, 298 pages.

    This remarkable book is the most compete analysis ever published regarding the gathering of animals to the Ark, provisions for their care and feeding, and the subsequent dispersion. The author has devoted seven years to this scholarly, systematic answer to virtually all the anti-Ark arguments, alleged difficulties with the biblical account, and other relevant questions.

  • OnTheWayOut
    My question is, what ways do JW's justify it to themselves that it is true?

    It is simply cognitive dissonance. "I have learned so much TRUTH from the JW's that
    they must be right about this, too. Any problems with the logistics and application of
    actually surviving a worldwide flood, they say Jehovah took care of it. I should just be
    satisfied with that. I shouldn't wonder how the Australian animals managed to get there
    from Mount Ararat, even the insects knew where to go. Jehovah guided them. I will
    just stop wondering how freshwater and saltwater never mixed to kill off the entire
    underwater life (or at least all the freshwater life)."

    Does that sound about right?
    You can learn about cognitive dissonances starting here:

  • marmot

    Woodmorappe plays fast and loose with facts. A lot of his so-called scientific explanations fall apart under closer examination.

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