Where do you start to find the answers to God?

by Hope4Others 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hope4Others

    I thought I have relatively had everything figured out, like life, death, god does he exist or does he not. Is the bible make believe?

    Can we really be sure that it is inspired, after all we were not around to see the process being done. We take for granted that is true.

    There are an overwhelming amount of books, documents, so much information overload out there; so where and how would you

    direct someone sort of lost in limbo land to find the answers to these perplexing questions.

    I think I have become more confused than I ever have been, where do you start to find the answers to what you thought you already had?

    How do you simplify the answers without reading volumes and volumes? Does this make any sense at all? Sometimes I feel like a gerbil on a




  • Gopher

    As JW's we were indoctrinated to believe that there were simple answers to every important question. Now that we no longer consult the Watchtower Publications Index, life isn't so cut and dried any more. But life really isn't simple. There's usually so much to consider.

    After deciding not to go back to JW's, I was at the point you so aptly described in your post. I questioned EVERYTHING I'd been told about spirituality and god.

    The best thing to do is NOT to listen to just one person's or group's opinions, as ex-JW's we have learned the value of skepticism.

    You're on a journey, it'll take time to find your true philosophical/spiritual center. There aren't answers to everything, and sometimes we have to accept that there are hard questions we may not resolve in our lifetime.

    Personally I resolved never to let any religion or holy book guide me, because I think they're all guesswork. I'd prefer to stick with what is known or what is provable (logically or scientifically). I'll listen to both sides of any debate and then decide what makes the most sense.

  • Hope4Others
    sometimes we have to accept that there are hard questions we may not resolve in our lifetime.

    Questions such as If god is here, how did he get here? Who then made him? Where is he now? Think of how many people have said that. This could really

    be an endless search. Does a person look at other religions to dissect the beliefs or move towards new age, some believe

    they are a god in themselves, some believe in some higher entity but perhaps not God, do you then pull pieces together till they somehow fit?

    Just some thoughts,


  • Hope4Others

    More thoughts,

    If the 5th dimension is time and the 4th dimension is space, do i need to look towards quantum physics multiplying length x height x width x space x time

    to figure this out? Why can't Burn the ships put this in layman's terms(like pretend your talking to a 15 year old ) LOL.....(not swearing or yelling in red...)

    If Micro= everything little, like atoms and then Macro= outer space or large, kind of like a big Mac, lol, we are somewhere I think in the middle of the spectrum.

    I read somewhere that everything is measured in 7's

    - 7 musical notes

    - 7 colors

    -7 chakra's & more i forgot, but above is macro and below is micro and somewhere we are in the middle scale.

    If quantum is small which we can not perceive ,we are in the middle of the spectrum, quantum is at the bottom or smallest you can go, where we end,

    therefore we need to magnify it to see it.

    Its like they did not understand germs way back because they did not see them, the beginnings of quantum however began in the time of Einstein yet not developed

    fully until maybe what 20 yrs ago. Quantum is a new set of laws, Newtonian laws differ from quantum laws. The Observer however can change the out come in quantum law.

    Does this make any sense, tum me around if I am in the wrong direction here.

    Inquiring minds need to know!



    Am I starting to sound like Ovbes?

    I really am sane!

  • Gopher

    An endless search? Perhaps so. Look at the wide variety of opinions about questions of god, life and spirituality.

    Some insightful person on this board once wrote "I'd rather have questions I cannot answer than answers I cannot question."

    Since the existence of a creator-god is neither provable or unprovable, there won't be a final answer in our lifetime on earth. One can only reach conclusions based on what one has seen. Personally I choose to place my energy into the knowable -- interacting with people and trying to help make this world a little better place. I don't see any gain from interaction with the invisible. I think if a creator-god exists, he's been noticeably absent for a long time and will continue to be so. Others differ with me on that, based on beliefs they've adopted.

  • Satanus

    It's a tough question that you ask. In my search, i read endlessly, thought, tested, went to churches, tried this, tried that. I finally found it within myself. Then, i stopped looking and reading. Not that i claim to have a complete life, or all the answers. Just that i got the main answers that showed me what i believe is big picture. It seems to agree w most of the science of today.

    In you path, as you search, i would recommend to look for the weak points and ruthlessly discard any falseness. Don't necessarily accept science and the prevailing winds in the surrounding society as gospel, iether. While mankind is awakening slightly, most are still herd driven. People that were extreme jws will tend to be extreme in whatever else they fall into.

    That said, i don't believe ;) that beliefs are of supreme importance. I think that personal evolution and doing the right/best things in any given situations are more important. At any rate, our ride on this animal planet is a rollercoaster.


  • Sirona


    I'm not sure that you think so, but it seems you are in a great place right now.

    Its fantastic to be where you are. There is so much to find out and so much fun in the finding out!

    This could really be an endless search.

    It is! and personally I love it. I love the fluidity and endless possibility.

    I've been exploring for years now. Sometimes I would become fixated on one aspect of the whole subject, usually for approximately 3 months. Then years later, it becomes clear why I needed that knowledge. Its quite cool really. So I wouldn't worry if I were you....just learn and read and assimilate. God doesn't have a clock ticking on you where you have to know all the answers by a certain time.


  • doofdaddy

    I have eased back on reading as far as the big questions.

    Meditation in what ever form you prefer seems to ease the mind, which allows the subconscious to bubble up.

    Then those questions are unimportant


    Greater minds than mine have searched for answers to these questions. Has anyone ever figured it out? If they claim to know then I will not trust them, been there and done that. I've finally come to terms with the fact that I'll never know. I cherish each day of my life and I try to treat people the way I would want to be treated. What more can we do?

  • BurnTheShips
    You're on a journey, it'll take time to find your true philosophical/spiritual center. There aren't answers to everything, and sometimes we have to accept that there are hard questions we may not resolve in our lifetime.

    That's how I see it too.


    EDIT- Open minded faith tends to cut through several Gordian knots.

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