I am expecting trouble

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Layla33
    So he demanded to know where he heard it and he said, L****** told me like two or three weeks ago. The bro was livid. He said that it was under the gb seal for worldwide disclosure no sooner than sunday and I had broken the everliving law of the gb and that I was jumping ahead of jah's chariot. LOL

    I am sorry, but this made me crack up laughing. These JWs and their investigating and religious pontificating never ceases to amaze me.

    If it was me, I would play them like a flute, tell you heard some person on a street corner saying it. I mean I would throw them all kinds of bones, let them salivate over it and spend countless meetings figuring it out, but they wouldn't get a peep of my source.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    let them salivate over it and spend countless meetings figuring it out, but they wouldn't get a peep of my source.

    I will never reveal my sources of anything. Part of me is really enjoying the pain this is causing this creep. Making him feel so out of touch is funny.


  • Fadeout

    TOTH, sorry to hear you've got such crappy people in your life. I spread the BS rumor to my family but if for some reason anything comes back on me I'd just say,
    "Hey, you know how rumors go around. I'd heard it a couple weeks ago, and I told some people. What's the big deal? It was true, right?"

    "Yes but you're running ahead of the organization."
    "How was I supposed to know it was a secret? If it was a secret I never would have found out about it! I just heard this is going to happen and I told ***** 'I hear this is going to happen.' If there's a problem, it's with the source that leaked the secret, not with us who found out."
    "Well how'd you find out?"
    "Heck, I don't even remember now. It was no big deal. A lot of people were talking about it. Sorry you were out of the loop. I'll tell you next time I hear something, 'K?" ;-)

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