Full Text of Meeting Adjustment Announcement

by cinnamon1642 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • cinnamon1642

    I wasn't able to get a copy of the letter off the information board but here is the exact text of the letter that was read at our English meeting today.


    To All Congregations:

    Dear Brothers,

    At 1 st Corinthians 7:31 the bible tells us that “the scene of this world is changing.” The truthfulness of these inspired words is felt by each of us on a daily basis. As we draw ever nearer to the Great Tribulation Satan’s anger against us is intensifying.

    The Governing Body is fully aware of the mounting pressures that YOU, the Lord’s precious sheep, are experiencing. Like the first century Governing Body we wish to add no further burden to you, except what is necessary. Therefore, after prayerful consideration we have decided to take steps to lighten your load by adjusting the weekly schedule for congregation meetings.

    Commencing January 1, 2009 the Congregation Book Study will be held at the same time as the Theocratic Ministry School and the Service Meeting. The name of the Congregation Book Study will be changed to the Congregation Bible Study. After a song and prayer the Congregation Bible Study will be conducted for 25 minutes in much the same way as it is conducted now. Qualified elders will conduct the study on a rotation basis. It will be followed by a 30 minute Theocratic Ministry School. After another song there will be a 35 minute Service Meeting. The three meetings will conclude with song and prayer. The total time for these three meetings including songs and prayers will be 1 hour and 45 minutes.

    We will continue to follow the same patterns for meetings for field service including arrangements in smaller groups. In time you will receive further information relative to the Congregation Bible Study and meetings for field service.

    This adjustment in our weekly meeting schedule will be beneficial in many ways. For example, in many lands the cost of fuel is escalating, and much time is expended in travelling to and from congregation meetings. However, there will be even greater benefit!

    The importance of personal and family bible study cannot be overemphasized. This adjustment in our weekly schedule will provide each of us with an opportunity to fortify the spirituality of our families by scheduling a specific evening each week for family worship. Family heads must shoulder the responsibility before Jehovah to ensure that a meaningful, regular, family bible study is conducted. Single brothers and sisters with no family responsibilities will be able to use this time for personal bible study.

    It is vital for all to buy out the opportune time and to strengthen themselves for what will shortly take place. The “great day of Jehovah” is fast approaching. How urgent it is for all of us to seize and use the time remaining to build ourselves up in this most holy faith! May we be determined to benefit from these adjustments as we continue to follow our Great Shepherd who leads us to grassy pastures of peace and refreshment. We send along an expression of our warm Christian love, praying that Jehovah will continue to watch over you and strengthen you in these difficult times.

    Your Brothers,

    The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    The Governing Body is fully aware of the mounting pressures that YOU, the Lord’s precious sheep, are experiencing. Like the first century Governing Body we wish to add no further burden to you, except what is necessary. Therefore, after prayerful consideration we have decided to take steps to lighten your load by adjusting the weekly schedule for congregation meetings.

    Jehovah wasn't aware? A lot of "we" talk going on here... and no mention of Jesus in the letter at all... wasn't it he that said "come to me, my load is light and refreshing?" Sounds like the GB is a bit presumptive, here. Maybe they should have paid attention to today's WT lesson about being "yielding" to others... namely, God and Christ.

  • Snoozy

    My first thought would be..in this time of great need shouldn't they be "INCREASING"" the spiritual food rather than "TAKING" it away?

    Surely if things are as bad as they say they are and the time is approaching so fast, wouldn't they need more spiritual guidance rather than take some away?

    Sounds like something rotten is going on in Brooklyn.


  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open


  • kwr

    If Armageddon is just around the corner why do they plan something 7 months away?

  • _Atlas

    Well this only proves I was on the right track. I allocated more time for my personal study 3 years ago when I downgraded from 5 meeting a week to zero...

    They are on their way to catch me now, good luck to them because I got a headstart and I am not relinquishing the lead.

    On a more serious note I think that the change responds to many factors... pure marketing purposes, low attendance on book studies and legitimate time constraints the JW's face every week due to the burden that 3 separate days imply. The gas price sounds really lame IMHO.

    The question that begs to be asked is why did the FDS realized this now, after decades of practice? Also, should this mean that the end is being moved to somewhere beyond January 2009 since the Lord's sheep got to make use of that newly freed time to do a looooooooot of personal studying?

    Too many questions, too few beers.

  • Narkissos

    On the other thread where the Spanish version of the letter was first presented, I wondered about the phrase "family worship" which sounds definitely more "Evangelical" than JW to me...

    I also wondered whether the new "Congregation Bible Study" might eventually be more "Biblical," at least in form, focusing on sequential commentary of a Bible text, and substituting to the Bible readings and "highlights" (if that's the right English word, and if the arrangement still exists) in the TMS.

    Just questions and hypotheses.

  • Gerard
    As we draw ever nearer to the Great Tribulation Satan’s anger against us is intensifying.

    The Governing Body is fully aware of the mounting pressures that YOU, the Lord’s precious sheep, are experiencing. Like the first century Governing Body we wish to add no further burden to you, except what is necessary. Therefore, after prayerful consideration we have decided to take steps to lighten your load by adjusting the weekly schedule for congregation meetings.

    Everything is fear driven; a hallmark of a mind-control cult.

  • Fadeout

    Does anyone else see this as sort of symbolic of the tacit admission that The End is not imminent?

    "All the more so as you behold the day drawing near"... so, what, is it not as near as we thought? Considering the changes to the selection of the anointed, the generation, and the continued measures that seem to be aimed at "mainstreaming" certain aspects of the group, JWs must be developing a whole new view of the timing of The End.

  • journey-on
    Like the first century Governing Body

    There was no first century Governing Body; at least not one like the JW GB. Notice how they capitalized it as if it had been an official title of some heirarchial group of men.....

    just a little subliminal seed planted into the brains of the already weak minded r&f on their part to elevate themselves to some status first century Christians did not recognize.

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