HEAR the announcement...

by SpyAmI 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK
    I have determined that it came from Alvin and the Chipmunks

    I didn't listen to the fast play until end. I heard Alvin, did the chipmunks eventually chime in?

  • caliber

    Thank you and great job although I just got Alvin & the Chipmunks on my computer ha ha ha . I heard it on my wife's

    computer !



  • momzcrazy

    Hand Clapping

    And welcome to JWD!


  • AlmostAtheist

    VERY cool, Spy -- thank you! I would love to have seen the JW's faces when they heard this.

    I'll also mention how very strange it was to listen to. I haven't been to the hall in 3 years. I've read lots of dub-speak on this forum, but always in the context of deconstructing it or making fun of it. Listening to this guy with his dramatic pauses and practiced emphasis, reading a letter from someone that truly feels they have the authority to tell others how to spend their Tuesday evenings... it was surreal.

    Thank God I'm an atheist...


  • shopaholic

    Great work SpyAmI!!! Now I can say that I heard the announcement.

    It doesn't sit well me that now that prices have risen in affluent lands the GB sees a need to make an adjustment to the meeting schedule. Several years ago, when there were ongoing transportation strikes in several poor countries with utterly ridiculous gas prices and with currency basically bottomed out every other week, there was not an adjustment to the meetings. What's up with that?

  • BreakingAway

    They knew that most of the friends would automatically conclude that this letter signals that the "end must be close".So in line with that, I noticed toward the conclusion of the letter they stated:

    "it is VITAL for all to buy out the opportune time"

    "and to strengthen themselves for what will SHORTLY take place"..."the day of Jehovah IS FAST APPROACHING, how URGENT it is for ALL of us to see and use the TIME REMAINING to build ourselves up to the most holy faith"

    Once again, fear plays a vital role and expectations are built up of what is to come.Concluding with, "more information will come later."

  • yknot

    Video Wink



    Great JOB! Wink - CongratsWink - Crowd Cheer

    Keep posting...!!!!


  • NanaR

    Welcome SpyIAm!!

    I had forgotten what JW speak sounds like...

    This makes no logical sense, is heavy with buzzwords, etc.

    What does Satan being active have to do with rising gas prices have to do with consolidating meetings?

    Hard to believe that I used to accept statements such as these as "food at the proper time".


  • changeling

    Thanks! And welcome!


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I guess its just a point of efficiency to make the mental regulation and reality flushing more proficient,

    after all these are a changing and modern times as 1 Corinthians stated

    And I'm still pissed at Satan for raising the price of gasoline........ dam you Satan !

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