Witness Grocery Store Clerk Tries to Witness to Me ? Nice try !

by flipper 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • JK666

    Flipper, you did a great job, especially considering your time constraints. When I had my meeting with the elders earlier this year, I came up with this one that I like:

    I believe that the Jehovah's Witnesses are an apostate organization, due to the UN and pedophile problems.


  • Mary
    Then she stated, " And in the child abuse scandal - it wasn't Jehovah who molested the children. You can't blame him ! "

    Hmmm......Did the Witnesses have the same viewpoint when the Catholic Church was exposed for covering up pedophilia? Or did they gleefully lambast them and use their actions as "evidence" that they were not the 'one true religion'??

  • flipper

    JK- Thanks bud. I enjoyed reading your experience of talking with the elders when you met with them earlier this year ! I thought you did a great job ! Especially letting them know witnesses are an " apostate organization" ! That is classic. Priceless ! Good job !

    MARY- I hear what you are saying. The witnesses always excuse their own demented conduct like child abuse - but are willing to lambast other religions like the Catholics about their pedophile problems ! At least the Pope met with the Catholic child abuse victims ! I'd like to see Uncle Teddy Jaracz or the governing body do the same with witness child abuse victims ! That will be a cold day in hell - as the expression goes ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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