Who Wants A Christmas Card?

by Englishman 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • rhett

    I've got an idea for how to organize this if you would all want to.
    I run a few websites and can put whatever I want to on them. Email me at [email protected] your snail mail addresses and I'll post them somewhere on one of my sites. I won't post the actual link anywhere that can be found by whoever wants to go to it. The only way you will be able to get to the website is after you send me your snail mail address I'll send you a link to the page that has everyone's address.
    This can be my gift and greeting card to everyone out there. Only rule is you have to send me one too!
    How's that sound?

    BTW, your contact information will not be traded or sold to anyone or be used for anything other than this. I don't even keep track of how many people come to my sites, let alone who they are or anything else.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • Angharad

    Ooh yes, as Simon says if anyone wants to e-mail him or me, we will send back our address.

    I can't wait for christmas this year!

  • AMarie

    I've got an idea:

    We ought to compile all of the e-mail addresses of those Dubs who have sent hate mail and blitz them with electronic Christmas Cards this year

    That would teach them a thing or two.

  • mommy

    I love Christmas!
    I think we need to get it more organized. I like Rhett's idea, how about if everyone sends their email to one place? Then we don't miss anyone? I am up for that

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • pettygrudger

    Thanks Rhett - that's awfully big of ya!!!

  • mpatrick


    Sounds like a great idea! I am so excited about Christmas! By the way I am looking for a Dora the Explorer Backpack for my daughter (I'm helping Santa out) They seem to be hard to come by. If anybody knows how to get their hands on one, let me know! [email protected]

  • rhett

    Hi everyone, I've got the website up and running now. If you want to be included on it just send me your address at [email protected] and I'll post if for others to see as well as send you a link to this website so you can send other people cards as well.
    As stated before, all information will be used for this page and this page only.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • Ranchette

    Thanks Rhett,

    Moving this back up so others can play too.


  • ISP

    What about getting a PO box...if you don't feel too happy giving your actual address out! Haha!


  • Englishman

    s'OK, ISP:

    We know where to find you!

    The Theatre of Dreams, I believe?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

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