Did Jehovah's Witnesses ever claim they were inspired?

by slimboyfat 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • slimboyfat

    Jehovah's Witnesses insist they are not false prophets despite making false predictions because they never claimed inspiration. But is that true? Well most of the time they seem to have been careful only to claim divine "guidance" or that they are "God's channel". But in Rutherford's book Enemies from 1937 this looks like a fairly straightforward claim on inspiration.

    There are two great organizations in existence, to wit: the organization of the Almighty God, which is wholly righteous, pure and true, and the organization of the Devil, the mimic god, which is unholy, wicked and entirely false. The people of earth are subjected to one or the other of these two organizations. The Devil and his wicked angels and other supporters at all times fight against God to defame his name and to turn the people away from God and into destruction. That wicked organization is attempting to destroy everyone who is on the side of Jehovah God and who therefore tries to do right. The Lord Jesus Christ and his true followers are entirely on the side of Jehovah God, even as the prophets of old were on the side of and served Jehovah God. The faithful servant of the Lord God, speaking by inspiration and authority from the Most High, points out that there is a great warfare waged by those who are on the side of the Devil against those who are devoted to Jehovah God, and employs these words, to wit: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." — Ephesians 6:12. (pages 72 and 73)

    What do you think?


  • SPAZnik

    What is the difference between "Divine guidance", "we are God's channel", and "inspiration"? All three seem to be saying the same thing. "We speak for God. Obey, or else."

  • jwfacts

    Good find. Rutherford is definitely claiming inspiration here. It is written illusively enough though, that a JW could probably attempt to say this passage was referring to the Bible writer, or failing that, claim it as old light.

  • jwfacts

    "What is the difference between "Divine guidance", "we are God's channel", and "inspiration"? " SPAZnik - that is a good point, as there is no difference between saying you are inspired, directed by holy spirit or under divine guidance. The Watchtower usually claims it can make mistakes because it is not inspired, but must be followed without question because it is directed by Holy Spirit.

  • SPAZnik

    So the Holy Spirit directs them to make mistakes which we must follow without question. Ask them why the holy spirit would direct them to make mistakes and of course this is a show of faith in the God which they are not "inspired" by. Truly, they have a dizzying intellect. :O)

  • Leolaia

    WTB&TS official Arthur R. Goux testifying before the US Congress:

    MR. GOUX. I will answer that, sir, by merely pointing to the fact that this publication is not an expression of any human opinion.

    MR. BROWN. It is written by Judge Rutherford, is it not?

    MR. GOUX. So is the Bible written by man, but by arrangement of the Great Creator in the expression of his purpose.

    MR. BROWN. That is right. Now did the Great Creator arrange with Judge Rutherford to write those books and sell them for $2.50 for 10?

    MR. GOUX. The information set forth in those books will speak for itself and it may be discerned by anyone who desires to understand the facts that it is not human opinion.

    MR. BROWN. Who gave this information to Judge Rutherford, for instance, that "big business" has joined with the churches?

    MR. GOUX. That is clearly set forth in the prophecies in the Scriptures. For instance, you may have the three books "Vindication" 1, 2, and 3, which clearly portray the things that are foretold in the prophecy of Ezekiel on that very subject....

    MR. BROWN. But is not the booklet an explanation of Judge Rutherford's opinion?

    MR. GOUX. It is not.

    MR. BROWN. His opinion of the Bible?

    MR. GOUX. No, sir; emphatically not.


  • slimboyfat

    Very good Leolaia, but JW's in general are not terribly impressed with transcripts from people they never heard of. An old publication might get some to think. So what's the verdict, is Rutherford claiming inspiration in this passage? It seems to me the "faithful servant" refers to modern JW's, but is there room for doubt?

  • Leolaia

    Here is a rather striking statement from Rutherford, echoing what Goux said:

    "I base my conclusion, not upon human wisdom. I do not claim to have any inspiration higher than others who are devoted to the Lord. I base my conclusion upon the Word of Almighty God, which is true. Prophecies were written long ago and could not be understood until in course of fulfillment. Now the Lord has brought about the physical facts and brought them to the attention of men who are devoted to him, and it is easy to be seen what will be the result. Based upon this authority, I stated in a public address in Paris more than three years ago that the Nazis and Fascists would overrun France. That has been accomplished. I stated in a public address in Berne, Switzerland, that the Nazis and Fascists would in time grab Switzerland. Watch for that to be accomplished in the near future. At a public address in London, which was transmitted throughout the British Empire, and was delivered in 1938, I stated that the Nazis and Fascists were bent upon destroying the British Empire, and that that would be accomplished" (Judge Rutherford Uncovers Fifth Column, 1940, pp. 14-15).

  • Leolaia

    One more quote for the sake of discussion. Here one of Rutherford's books is described as provided by Jehovah himself:

    "In recent months the Lord has revealed to his people a clearer understanding of the Devil's organization, and of his purpose to wreck that wicked system that the people may have complete deliverance. This message he has been pleased to permit to appear in a book entitled DELIVERANCE. Has not God provided this instrument in the hands of the anointed class? Let those who so believe carefully study the message therein and be prepared to use it" (Watchtower, 15 August 1926, p. 248)

  • LouBelle

    Another thing is that all those older books have been done away with along with some of the teachings/ doctrines / declarations they expressed - What the judge wrote would be viewed as old light. And since then have we not seen the light get brighter and brighter brothers & sisters **huge applause*

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