What is up with the obesity doctrine?

by kzjw 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nowman

    Well, when I was younger (before puberty), I was chunky. Eventually, at about 15, my JW elder dad and mom found out about that "Fit for Life" diet that came out in maybe 1989, it may have been around longer. Well, with me on the diet, pioneering, going to school, and working part time, I lost all the weight, sure it had to do with the change of eating habits, but it also had to do with me growing up. My point is, my parents thought I was too thin (I am 5 feet tall, and fluctuated between 102-105 lbs). They wanted me to be 105 and no lighter. So, they started weighing me every day, and if I dropped to 103.5, they forced me to eat cookies and junk late at night and they also told me to stop walking! I remember eating lemon cookies mom made after a Tuesday night meeting. The next day, my dad weighed me, I was still 103.5! You know what, that night, I would have to eat more fattening foods so as to make my parents happy.

    Here it was, I was so busy and active, that my metabilism was much improved. Yet, I was so distraught about this, eventually I developed an eating disorder, because I wanted to have control over my eating, not them. I guess weight issues are something I grew up with. I have wasted so much time on worrying about it!

    When I was 23, I got pregnant with my daughter (she is 11 now), I was 87 lbs! Yikes, I looked awful. But, from then on, I stopped doing what I was doing even though it will always be in your mind. At the rate I was going right before I got prego, I was on a self destructive path.

    If the JWs are going to somehow mind control people about weight, l am example of what may happen. I do not blame my parents for all of this, but it did start in my example above. These days, I workout regularly and I try to stay at 110, its a healthy weight for me, keeps the color in my cheeks. It took a long time to accept that 110 was a "good" weight for me.

    I have friends of all different body shapes and sizes. Its important to feel good in your own skin!

    Sorry for my book, have not talked about this in a long time.


  • Bonnie_Clyde
    Gluttony is one of the actual sins mentioned in the bible. Since they enforce all the ones they've added, I've wondered why they haven't bothered to enforce this actual requirement.

    So how does one measure gluttony? Or obesity? Is it 10% over normal body weight, 20, 30, 40, or 50%? And who makes the determination?

    I know a few elders who would have to step down if it were even 50% over. Of course, gluttony would not have to be ongoing. What if one just overindulged one or two times? And how does one define overindulgence? Would it be as sinful as having one or two cigarettes?

  • 2112

    I had a CO in the Florida area in the 80's a Bro. Crist. I took him and his wife out to dinner w/ y wife and my father. It was at a buffet, and two times I went back to the food line. Both times he quoted a scripture. When I got home I looked up the scriptuers and they were both about gluttony.

    I was pissed, also he nor his wife said thank you for the dinner. By the time of his next visit I was fading fast, the elders insisted on my meeting with him. I told them I had no respect for him after the way he treated me. But, I met with him and he started out by sayung "Thanks again for the dinner last time I was here." I replied 'What do you mean again, you never said thank you the first time. And you would not be saying it now if they did not tell you that I said something." He ofcourse tried to deny that the elders spoke about it. To which I said "Now you are guilty of lying, and you need to confess to some elders."

    You can probably guess how the rest of the meeting went.

  • MissingLink

    So how does one measure gluttony? Or obesity? Is it 10% over normal body weight, 20, 30, 40, or 50%? And who makes the determination?

    I know a few elders who would have to step down if it were even 50% over. Of course, gluttony would not have to be ongoing. What if one just overindulged one or two times? And how does one define overindulgence? Would it be as sinful as having one or two cigarettes?

    The GB are experts at coming up with specific rules like this. That's why I'm surprised they have skimmed over this one. The holy spirit must love cake.

  • sspo

    Something else for car groups to gossip about as they do their "holy work".

    Tear each other apart in the congregation on who should be losing weight or losing priviliges because of their weight.

    More local needs talk.

  • undercover

    I can rattle of the names of several fat-ass elders...and I don't mean slightly overweight or out of shape...I'm talking FAT.

    Back when I was still in, I used to wonder how these fat fucks could counsel anyone on drinking and grooming when they were obviously not heeding the scriptures that condemed gluttony.

    One elder was always the first in line at any food offerings, be it "congregation picnic", private get-together or quick build meals. And he always went back for thirds or more. His clothes didn't fit, he couldn't button his jacket and his shirt was stretched to the ripping point. He popped a button one day...hit a sister in the row in front of him. When he stood up from sitting in a KH chair, he was wedged in and the chair would come up with him if he didn't keep it pushed down. He finally got a new suit and one brother asked him if he got it tailored at the local tent and awning company. The other elders picked on him about his eating and weight but no one ever thought that he was setting a bad example or wasn't fit to be an elder due to his gluttony. He just keeps getting fatter and fatter. What irritates me about most about this particular elder was that he was such a son-of-a-bitch to everyone else who wasn't living up to "Jehovah's standards" as he felt they should have been yet there he waddled in all his glorious fat, shining as an example to everyone what a true servant of Jehovah was supposed to be.

  • Finally-Free

    What "obesity doctrine"? In my 20 years as a JW I never heard of an "obesity doctrine".

    When I was a JW they said gluttony was a sin. Not every glutton is obese, and not all obesity is caused by gluttony.

    If they cracked down on everyone who was overweight they'd reduce their membership to almost nothing. Not likely for a cult that's so obsessed with the bottom line. $$$$$$$


  • Uncertain

    Medically, obesity is defined as more than 20% over recommended body weight. Also can be more accurately figured by body mass index (bmi). Many calculators can be found with a quick search. Figure body height in shoes -- women get to figure with one inch heels.

    I told my study conductor that I was considering weight loss surgery. She said someone in the congregation had it, that there was no scriptual reason not to have it if medically necessary.

    I attended a book study with several folks much larger than I was, potlucks were popular (oops, gatherings with a dish to pass) and large servings were compliments to the cooks. I never heard the word gluttony there.

  • BrentR

    If you look for BMI calculators online find the ones that have seperate male and female calculators. BMI calculators also do not factor in ethnicity either so take that into consideration. A 5' 4" German male is not going to weigh the same as a 5' 4" Asian female.

  • beksbks

    What is UBM?

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