What Does Creation Reveal About God?

by hamilcarr 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Tuesday

    Well I'll weigh in on this one. I think if this is being presented to you if you bring up all the aspects of violence in the natural world it will inevitably bring about the scripture where the Lion lays with the Lamb. That's basically the point of having this article is to get people to talk about the violence in the world so that they can say "Wouldn't you like to see a time where all this is corrected?" Then the dangling of the carrot begins. You could possibly refute this with "I understand the need for life and death in the world so that the Earth can handle the population on it, but I wish it wasn't done with such cruelty. The lion has sharp teeth that are specifically designed to tear flesh, claws which are specifically designed to latch on to a moving animal in order to debilitate it, Sharks have three rows of razor sharp teeth specifically designed to tear limbs off with the accuracy of a surgeon's scapel, tape worms are designed to devour all the nutrients needed to survive and keep the host in a constant state of semi-conciousness, Maggots are injected into a catepillar and eat their way out with such efficiency that they instinctively know to eat all the connective tissue first in order to keep their host alive long enough for them to develop fully. As I said I understand the need to keep population in check, but to do so with the methods that I have mentioned (and many more that I could) just shows a fetish for inflicting pain and suffering."

    I'm thinking along the lines that the refutation would show that while these things are necessary in order for the Earth to continue to survive the horror of the way it's done cannot show anything but an un-loving creator. I would then ask if they know of any merciful way in which population growth is curbed.

  • Sirona


    So, what's the difference between divinity and humanity apart from the different names... ?

    Not much in my opinion!

    I believe in a divine force which permeates the whole universe and is also outside of it (I think this is termed panentheism). I think that each human has a divine spark or higher self. Some choose to ignore that part of themselves, some do not.

    I strongly believe the idea "as above so below" which suggests that the smallest thing reflects higher truths. Decay and death are required and natural since the clearing away of the old allows for regeneration. The cycles of living and dying throughout nature occur in the material world and in the spiritual world.


  • Shawn10538

    god loves and reccommends war as a way to solve problems or if someone else is on a piece of land that you want, it's ok to genocide them out of existence

    The animal kingdom is a great example of the fact that god loves primacy, domination, animals devouring each other (war exists in the animal realm even in micro organisms!)

    creates disease - the AIDS virus

    invented death and suffering

    invented hell and eternal torture...

  • Qcmbr

    Since we get the idea of creation from the bible presumably we have to be fair and also agree that the bible also claims that the fallen, post Eden world no longer reflects God hence the need for the atonement. We cannot infer anything about God as far as I can see from the current world since it is supposedly ruled over by his antithesis.

    Things that the biblical Creation story tells me about the biblical God:

    He saves the best till last.
    Fruit is not required for long health.
    Nudity rocks.
    Its quite acceptable to be chuffed when you've done a good job.
    Never work on your own (yea bite that you monotheists.)
    Intellectually God is more like fallen man than Eden man (God MUST have experienced evil.) By inferrance to know the mind of God one must also experience evil.
    Its cool to sleep in late and lounge around on the Sabbath.

  • Shawn10538

    Q, that is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. But what else can you expect from someone who has bought a miracle tonic from a huxter shenanigan. Gold plates, magic underwear, false prophecies that rival those of JWs, arrogant elitism, dosallowing blacks until the whole rest of the world has gone through civil rights, Mormons were the last people to accept blacks (1978 for christ's sake, how fucking backwards do you have to be to miss the whole civil rights movement? then your leDERs MIRACULOUSLY and conveniently get a new vision as they did with the whole polygamy thing.) Mormons are clown shoes.

  • Shawn10538

    Q, that is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. But what else can you expect from someone who has bought a miracle tonic from a huxter shenanigan. Gold plates, magic underwear, false prophecies that rival those of JWs, arrogant elitism, dosallowing blacks until the whole rest of the world has gone through civil rights, Mormons were the last people to accept blacks (1978 for christ's sake, how fucking backwards do you have to be to miss the whole civil rights movement? then your leDERs MIRACULOUSLY and conveniently get a new vision as they did with the whole polygamy thing.) Mormons are clown shoes.

  • Qcmbr

    Thanks Shawn - so good you had to say it twice! Who turned off your humor switch...?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    God has a really twisted sense of humor. He left a violent, self-destructive species in charge of the planet.

  • Qcmbr

    P.S. meester Shawn

    Even if you did lose another hamster up your most intelligent orifice it is no excuse to get your words the wrong way around - it's a 'shenanigan huxter.'


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