when is armagaedon coming

by bimfy 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • real one
    real one

    commit your life to Jesus Christ and study his word. Become a disciple and spread the Gospel. Read your Bible and find out about Armagaedon. You will not have to fear. Jesus will be with you.

  • Awakened07
    The Mayan calander only go's to 2012 so that will be the end.

    -My calendar on the kitchen wall only goes to 2009, so that will be the end!

  • lrkr

    Please... all of the facts point to 1799.

    DAMN!! Has that already passed???

  • Hortensia

    bimfy, I like your style. Armageddon is the once and future mother of all battles. It happened already, it has yet to happen. It happened invisibly, we'll see it when it happens. In the meantime, I have other things to do.

  • Aleman

    Hi bimfy,

    Bless you and Jehovah God for he is King! Bless be Jesus and those judges with him.

    I seem to remember that several prophesies have to come true before the kingdom comes.

    There are several of them, but the ones I remember are;

    1) There has to be some type of human peaceful outcome and human security like mabey the terrorists and drug lords will all be on check or somthing, this is when man will yell and spread the news of 'peace & security!' and then rapid destruction by Jehovah God.

    2) Iran and Iraq are without any christian preachers or JWs, so the text of the whole world must learn of Jehovah and his Kingdom before the Kingdom comes hasn't yet been covered. - Matt. 24:14.

    3) The false religions are not discovered by the Government. (Babylon the Great ontop of the Great Beast) - Revelation

  • Aleman

    What alot of these people don't realize is that the prophesies have to come true before the kingdome can ever come. They are still focused in the past and not letting in the light for their salvation. There are lots of other prophesies that need to come true, I just can't remember right now.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    In 180,000 years the Sun will expand and destroy the earth.....the 200 million Jehovah's Witnesses on earth will finally be able to say: "See! We told you so...........Oooh crap on a stick!" {BOOOOM}

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Also Jehovah told me in a vision that when I make 2,000 posts on this web-site Armagedon will begin..................Ohhhhh it's so close! Somebody STOP ME!

  • BFD


  • Aleman

    Prophesies are going to come true before the sun explodes, if it ever does. All of you who are true non-believers will see the power of the Almighty soon. Only alow the prophesies to come true. Now will be the time to think about turning back if you truly have faith.


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