Create your perfect world

by Layla33 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • okie46

    What I have always wondered is why do we have to pay for food when you can't live without it, the earth doesn't charge us to grow it?

    Who decided the earth could be divided up into little parcels and fenced in and then you have to pay money to live on it?

    Why does the bible preach love but J.W.'s ask for money, oh excuse me, they pretend not to ask for money, but they actually do?

    I hate that 70% of the United State's economy is based on retail sales aka shopping?

    My perfect world would not be based on possessions, prestige or the stock market. Money would have no importance, you would not need it. We would all have our parcel of land, we would have group gardens and farms and bartering and trade between communities and different parts of the world would enable all people to have what they need. Our lives would not be based on accumulation of possessions, but on inventing ways to live and improve health and renew the resources that have been destroyed by chemicals, pollution, greed and disregard for nature. Love and respect would be the basis for all relationships, therefore, wars would not be fought, everyone would have what they need. We would design our homes and vehicles to use non polluting, renewable sources of energy. Our lives would be simple, healthy and the earth would return to a state of health, the ozone layer would return because all people would reduce their carbon imprint. Our children would be calm, healthy and childhood would once again become a time of innocence and each child would realize that they are loved and wanted, they would not ever have to experience going to bed hungry, or not have clothes to wear, or be sick and not have proper treatment. They would not have to fear being hit or yelled at by over-stressed parents or caretakers, they would not be abused or used as slaves. They would be valued and learn by example, they would be taught how to use their powers of reason to make decisions instead of spanked and yelled at or ignored. Old people would be respected and cared for, families would once again live in close proximity to each other. Science would still be a part of lives, it would be used to find solutions to cancer and old age. The whole pace of the world would slow down again, this would reduce anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, strokes, alcoholism and drug abuse. Most important of all, those jack asses in Washington would stop jerking around with daylight savings time, because it is starting to get on my nerves. Gotcha!

  • Layla33

    I wonder in our perfect world, that we realize a different type of market is better suited for all.

    I do agree with the idea of money and possessions not being the sole factor of wealth and success, however that brings up another questions.

    Are those that want and/or promote a more balanced and universal country actually Socialists?

    Does anyone actually believe we live in a democracy now, with 1% controlling the wealth, with things like welfare and such to give people a meager existence, but nothing more? What about things like the electoral college, who will actually elect the president and not the popular vote?

    I am quite interested in our ideas of a better or perfect world because I think as we progress as humans, we realize that this "freedom" we live in the illusion of, is not actually freedom at all.


  • jaguarbass

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