Anyone here collect foreign currency as a hobby?

by AK - Jeff 16 Replies latest social physical

  • ninja

    gulp....leo....just pick out the blue'll be fine.......he he

  • Flash

    Try Banknotes International on e-Bay.

    The one order I placed went very well, no complaints. I would buy from them again.

  • noni1974

    I have a 10 Francs coin from France made in 1975.

  • DazedAndConfused

    Myhusband goes to many, many countries and we have quite a stash (for a collection of where he has been) but not serious collector's here.

    I would suggest going to your local bank to exchange $'s for whatever you want.

  • ninja

    noni......keep a hold of that 10 franc will be worth a fortune.....1975 is when the world ended

  • brinjen

    I have a one million peso note from Argentina. My uncle gave it to me, he said I'd be lucky to get $10 for it, but I can at least pretend I'm a millionaire.

    Jeff - I may be able to get you some foreign coins at least from work, especially sinagapore coins. We find them in the tills accepted as change all the time. I'll see if I can get some and pm you when I do.

  • The Last Nephilim
    The Last Nephilim

    I have coins and bills from over 30 different countries, most of which were collected by my mother before she died. The oldest is from the mid- 1800's. Other than my mother's collection of coins, I have gathered coins and bills mostly from random encounters with people from overseas and such. One guy I met at a McDonald's was from Australia. I introduced myself and explained to him that I collect foreign money and offered to buy some from him. He was so in love with the USA that he went out to his car, got some more money, and GAVE it to me, free of charge. He went on to explain how the bills were actually plastic, because plastic was more durable than paper. I also met a family from South Africa, England, and Jordan. I have a unique "piece" from Iraq. I also have a few current dinari bills that, in theory, might be worth something if the government in Iraq would ever stabilize.

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