WARNING: Baptism Guilt Talk coming to a K Hall near you in April.

by Open mind 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • freydi

    Somebody should make the comment that baptism and partaking of emblems is only for anointed, and that there are no examples of children being baptized in the Bible.

  • WTWizard

    They want all children getting baptized at age 6, whether or not they are ready. That way, when adolescence hits, they will be stuck in a cult that criminalizes normal feelings at that time, and there will be no way out of it.

    Actually, there is one good reason to put off baptism. Besides that Jesus got baptized at age 30 and not age 6, people should have sound reason to believe that it is the truth before taking that step. And that includes arguments from both sides of the story, and honest evaluation of what will be expected out of you before baptism. That means, if they want to fxxx up your sex life so you can go to that damn Value Destroyer Training School and plunge the earth into the Second Dark Ages, they need to tell you honestly before you get baptized. That way, you will know beforehand whether it is really worth the opportunity cost and refuse to get baptized. The ones that still get baptized would be much less likely to turn apostate later if they honestly know what to expect.

  • blondie

    That topic comes up frequently.

    *** w06 7/1 pp. 29-30 Youths, Make It Your Choice to Serve Jehovah ***

    Why Put Off Getting Baptized?


    "What prevents me from getting baptized?" The Ethiopian man who put that question to the evangelizer Philip had just learned that Jesus was the Messiah. But the Ethiopian had sufficient knowledge of the Scriptures to realize that he should not delay in openly testifying that from then on he would serve Jehovah as part of the Christian congregation, and that brought him much joy. (Acts 8:26-39) Similarly, a woman named Lydia, whose heart was opened "wide to pay attention to the things being spoken by Paul," immediately "got baptized," she and her household. (Acts 16:14, 15) Likewise, the jailer in Philippi listened to Paul and Silas as they "spoke the word of Jehovah to him," and "he and his were baptized without delay." (Acts 16:25-34) Therefore, if you have a basic knowledge of Jehovah and his purposes, a sincere desire to do his will, and a good reputation in the congregation and you are faithfully attending meetings and sharing in preaching the good news of the Kingdom, why would you put off getting baptized?—Matthew 28:19, 20.


    Could it be that you hesitate to take this important step for fear of being held accountable should you fall into wrong conduct? If so, think of this: Would you refuse to apply for a driver’s license simply because you were afraid that some day you might have an accident? Of course not! Neither should you hesitate to get baptized if you qualify. Indeed, you will be strongly motivated to do your utmost to resist wrongdoing if you have dedicated your life to Jehovah and have agreed to do his will. (Philippians 4:13) Young ones, please do not imagine that by postponing baptism, you avoid accountability. When you have reached the age of responsibility, you are answerable to Jehovah for the way you act whether you are baptized or not.—Romans 14:11, 12.


    Numerous Witnesses around the world feel that their decision to get baptized when they were young helped them greatly. Take as an example a 23-year-old Witness in Western Europe. He recalls that getting baptized at the age of 13 motivated him to be careful not to be swept away by "the desires incidental to youth." (2 Timothy 2:22) Early on, he set his sights on serving as a full-time minister. Today, he serves happily at a branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Rich blessings await all youths, including you, who choose to serve Jehovah.


    Dedication and baptism mark the beginning of a life wherein we take Jehovah’s will into account in every sphere of activity. Fulfilling our dedication involves ‘buying out time.’ How do we do that? By taking time that we would otherwise spend in futile pursuits and devoting it to serious Bible study, regular meeting attendance, and the fullest possible share in preaching the "good news of the kingdom." (Ephesians 5:15, 16; Matthew 24:14) Our dedication to Jehovah and our desire to do his will affect for the good all aspects of our lives, including the way we relax, our eating and drinking habits, and the kind of music we listen to. Why not choose the type of relaxation that you will be able to enjoy throughout eternity? Many thousands of happy young Witnesses will tell you that there are many healthy ways of having fun while staying within the bounds of "the will of Jehovah."—Ephesians 5:17-19.
  • OnTheWayOut

    *** w06 7/1 pp. 29-30 Youths, Make It Your Choice to Serve Jehovah ***

    15 Could it be that you hesitate to take this important step for fear of being held accountable should you fall into wrong conduct? If so, think of this: Would you refuse to apply for a driver’s license simply because you were afraid that some day you might have an accident? Of course not! Neither should you hesitate to get baptized if you qualify.

    This assumes that doing something that JW's don't approve of is "wrong conduct."
    It sounds like a good analogy until you take it apart. Teens want to drive, and understand
    that they need a license to do so. But they don't necessarily want to avoid conduct
    that JW's disapprove of. They are just encouraged to do so. They want to date and
    get married and enjoy growing up normal, but they are told that their normal desires are
    wrong and should be channeled toward "spiritual" ones.

    Take as an example a 23-year-old Witness in Western Europe. He recalls that getting baptized at the age of 13 motivated him to be careful not to be swept away by "the desires incidental to youth." (2 Timothy 2:22) Early on, he set his sights on serving as a full-time minister. Today, he serves happily at a branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    The 23-year old was told as a teen that "the desires incidental to youth" are wrong. His mind
    was warped into the cult's way of thinking. Perhaps for the 2008 updated article, they could find
    a 53-year old who was just like him until he got laid off at Bethel after 30 years. Interview him
    and his 52-year old wife, and I bet they say that they wished they set "worldly" goals of education and
    saving up for a future retirement when WTS kicked them out of the "family" home. I hate that they
    are holding up the goals of full-time service as the best way of life when they are firing many of
    the same ones who did it long ago.

    17 Dedication and baptism mark the beginning of a life wherein we take Jehovah’s will into account in every sphere of activity. Fulfilling our dedication involves ‘buying out time.’ How do we do that? By taking time that we would otherwise spend in futile pursuits and devoting it to serious Bible study, regular meeting attendance, and the fullest possible share in preaching the "good news of the kingdom." (Ephesians 5:15, 16; Matthew 24:14) Our dedication to Jehovah and our desire to do his will affect for the good all aspects of our lives, including the way we relax, our eating and drinking habits, and the kind of music we listen to. Why not choose the type of relaxation that you will be able to enjoy throughout eternity? Many thousands of happy young Witnesses will tell you that there are many healthy ways of having fun while staying within the bounds of "the will of Jehovah."—Ephesians 5:17-19.

    I tried to look at para. 17 above from a teen or pre-teen point of view. It lists all the reasons to continue
    putting off baptism. They don't want to take Jehovah's will into account in EVERY sphere of activity.
    They don't want to 'buy out time' or do all the regular JW stuff. This was an article for parents- guilt, guilt, guilt.

  • buffalosrfree

    Here comes another guilt trip on both the parents and their children. I have on a number of times told my child to wait until 30 then make a decision. Just as Jesus did. If you aren't mature enough to get married, you aren't mature enough to get baptized. also the society tells you that you are accountable to God for you actions even though you don't get baptized, well thats true but you aren't accountable to an organization.

    accountable to God okay.

    accountable to men or an organization not okay.

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