Stop buying things made in China

by joelbear69 31 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Rapunzel

    As a sixteen-year resident of Taiwan, I am well aware of the brutal and barbarous tactics emloyed by the Chinese Communist Party. They are currently threatening Taiwan by aiming more than one thousand missiles at the island. The Taiwan Strait is most definitely one of the world's "hot" zones; it's a powderkeg just waiting to explode. Most people don't fully realize just how important a shipping lane the Strait of Taiwan is, but it is crucially important - as important as Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. The Strait of Taiwan is not only a vital lifeline for American shipping interests, it is also vital for Japan. If there is war between China and Taiwan, both the United States and Japan will have to get involved. Historically, the U.S. has always used military force to protect its shipping lanes. In truth, the U.S. probably does not give a fig about Taiwan in itself, but God help anyone who tries to impede shipping in the Taiwan Strait.

    In terms of aggression toward Taiwan, the Chinese have three choices - 1.) missile attack, 2.) invasion, 3.) blockade

    Option number one would cause havoc and chaos throughout the world, but it would not gain China one inch of Taiwanese territory.

    Option number two is not presently feasible because the Chinese lack the hardware and the tactical skills to mount an amphibious invasion. Military amphibious operations are extremely complex and difficult to execute successfully. The only country with such skills is the U.S.

    This leaves option number three - a naval blockade, possibly combined with air force protection.

    However, should China mount a blockade, there will be war.

  • R.Crusoe

    Is this proposal a possibility anyhow?

    Chinas massive infrastructure and networks already make it exceedingly difficult to source alternative supplies and in addition it is becoming an enormous consumer meaning it, in the short term, will support other economies with its large buying powers which then make them reliant on it until it can develop other sources!

    But will it tolerate such attitides when it is also seemingly showing how it treats even peaceful protests for what seems to be basic human rights to live in their own land and work peacefully?

    Or am I missing what is going on??

    Have I got the wrong impression??

  • SacrificialLoon

    But I like my lead toys, antifreeze toothpaste, toxic blood thinners, and christmas lights made by political prisoners. Where will I be able to get all these fine products now?

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    That would be as hard as trying to only buy stuff made in America, can't get away from Chinese crap. I tried that once a few years ago on a bet, for one week not buying anything made in China, its amazing how hard it is, Walmart is totally out.

  • freetosee
    1. China has a horrible human rights record.

    Fair comment . . .

    2. They are evaporating the US economy.

    So it's ok to buy from other way smaller countries with appalling human rights records and dreadful sweatshop arrangements as long as they don't evaporate the US economy . . .

    It's called an open market. Maybe all US companies should set the lead by refusing to have any goods manufactured there then you wouldn't have to buy them . . .

  • Layla33

    Then we need to boycott Walmart, and all the other stores that have helped ushering in the China ownership of the US.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Only changes in US trade laws could really have an effect. Consumers will always go where prices are cheaper. Right now the US is way to dependent on China to change anything. We need their money...

  • Mincan

    Stop buying things at stored that take money out of your community aka Walmart. Buy from local stores to promote economy interdependancy, this will be needed as Peak Oil progresses.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I can't believe the Olypics are in China worst polution and human rights record ever....I find it funny that the worlds greatest democracy finances a huge Communist power that invaded Tibet yet America blockades Cuba???

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Also Chinamin square 1989 running over protesters in tanks is not cool in my democratic book!...but, wash the blood off and let the Games begin!

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