Still think the Society is not running out of cash? ...

by sir82 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • still_in74

    i am sure the extremely devalued american dollar has hit them hard with International spending.
    Most likely the WTS accounts and invests in US funds and there taking a huge hit on the bottom line as a result.

    Think about it, if you needed access to cash that was tied up in devalued investments would you want to cash it? "Of course not!" ( sound familiar? Kinda like a WT??? )

    But seriously folks, by taking R&F money and using it for cash flow today they can use their investments as collateral without having to cash them out. When the dollar recovers, they wont be so concerned about it.

  • Gill

    If the Society is also a big investor in the Stock market it will have been 'hit' by recent share price falls. (What a shame!)

    However, this shrieks desperations but I doubt too many dubbies will see through the ruse.

    The sheer excitement in Watchtower land over current world affairs may well have them giving in to any demand the WT may make of them......much to the detriment of any congregation or even JW individual who chooses to donate generously with Armageddon now apparantly staring them in the face!

  • flipper

    SIR - Great thread by you ! How do you spell control, eh? Control, control, control. Indeed with more prospective lawsuits staring them in the face ; it's apparent the Watchtower society is grasping at any straws available to them to finance their operation while trying to " silently " settle more prospective child abuse lawsuits " out of court ". And the way the WTS phrases it in the elders letter for congregations to " take advantage of the opportunity" like they'll be missing out on something if they don't send each congregation's extra money ! Just more " mind control" garbage from the GB ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I'm not really surprised that they're doing this, but I'm a little surprised that they sent a letter to the BOE on it. I would think they would just instruct the COs on their next visit to review each congregations accounts and if there is more than say 1k in excess, "suggest" the way COs love to do, to the BOE that they move it to the WTS. Same spin, but not have it in writing.

    By the way, how much do you want to bet that compliance with these "suggestions" will be a checklist item for the next CO visit?

    Man, they really are cash short aren't they? I really didn't think they are that short on cash and were simply liquidating the Brooklyn properties because they thought the timing was good.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    So Sir82,

    Who left their brief case unprotected?

    Thanks for sharing.


  • GermanXJW

    I brought this topic up on the German board and one active member stated that the WTS in Germany used their new power as a registered public body in Germany (e.g. now all kh belong to them) also to loot the accounts of the local congregations.

  • bigmouth

    They figure on getting better dividends by buying more Rand Corp. shares. I wonder how the Phillip Morris shares are going ?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I don't see that this letter is any different than others before. They are always squeezing the cong and R&F for their last pennies pleading poverty. Few JWs are aware of just how rich the WTS really is.

  • besty

    The same concept is part of the reason Warren Buffet loves insurance companies.

    Policyholders pay premiums up front, which the insurance company knows it it will return at some point as claims. In the meantime they have access to a pool of low-cost cash called 'float'.

    Using that float to invest however they please allows the insurance company to run its core business almost as an incidental loss-leader - the real deal is the investment returns.

    But surely the WTS are not that money-motivated??? :-p

  • Honesty

    Thanks so much, Sir!!!

    I need a scan of the article in a very bad way.

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