JW nostalgia?

by R.Crusoe 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.Crusoe

    Alpaca - because I ask the question doesn't mean I experienced it!

    I'm actually curious because it is a complete void within my soul - a sort of denial absent my intending it to be so!

    I was curious if I am deluding myself and maybe many have happy recollections?

    I wondered also if there maybe a 50/50 cut in those who had mainly happy memories and those that had few!

    Interesting to see the bigger picture don't you feel?

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    I miss the convention hot dogs. And this kind of JW nostalgia I belive do have in common with the still active ones.

  • Alpaca


    Just to clarify....there are great memories from all the time periods in my life, including the time during which I was a Dub.

    The thing is that the great memories I have of friends and fun, learning new things, seeing new places, and growing as a human being were things that had absolutely no connection to being a Dub. The good memories I have would have happened whether I was a Dub or not.

    In fact, I know I would have had an even richer set of memories if I hadn't been a Dub. I gave up so many opportunitities that can never be recaptured....like sailing around the world. I worked in the yachting industry when I was young and had many invitations to join the crews on yachts that were sailing around the world. But, no that would be selfish and my spirituality would suffer.....blah, blah, blah......and on and on and on.....

    There is a lot more I could drone on about, but you get the picture.

    I know what you mean about the void. You need to build new memories after you're out so that they will fill your mind and displace the void.

    All the best RC,


  • R.Crusoe

    Good points Alpacino

    I wonder how the WTBTS managed to prevent me from doing what primates are recognised for!


    - Self Recognition!

    I mean I couldn't see what I was. When I looked in the mirror it was a warped illusion - like I'm in a world of twisted mirrors and starting to recognise the reflections as if they're me - till when I see a 'true' mirror' I walk by ignoring it and think its some kinda trick!

    And then I wonder whether a chimp could be so dumb?

    Certainly my photograph album of life is volumes of warped memory for shredding and not for reminising over!

  • WTWizard

    It starts and ends with the first 9 months after I started studying the cancer. Once I was all the way in the cancer, the good times vanished totally.

    Oh yes, I remember times when the boasting sessions were cancelled for snow.

  • pratt1

    I sometimes miss the really big gatherings we used to have in the NYC area, at discos and community halls.

    We would invite almost all the young people in the circuit and there would be over 500 people sometimes at these gatherings.

    I dated a lot and ran with a pretty fast and sopisticated crowd.

    believe it or not we thought we were spiritually strong, many of us pioneered or went to bethel.

    I pioneered and went to college, so I got a pass from the elders most of the time.

    We really did think we were "special".

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    This may sound sick but the burritos at the ASSembly were pretty good. That's probably it for me

  • R.Crusoe

    So far I don't seem to be hearing many cries of :

    'Thanks for the good times'

    And I recall some people telling me that WT and good times never go together!

    How wrong I was for not walking their walk!

  • ColdRedRain

    My only real good memories were when I tried to get the "sisters'" phone numbers at the convention. Other than that, there weren't any good memories. People were uneducated, uninformed and sounded like idiots on stage.

  • R.Crusoe

    Cold red rain - that type of nostalgia never stacks up out in the real world when you play phone numbers against peeling off pairs of underwear some guys collected as momentos!

    It makes you want to keep the phone number story quiet which is so ironic don't you think?

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