Have you ever said "I could write a book!"

by compound complex 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings BL and WTW,

    Yes, BL, that does count for something - good for you. Keep the 'workshop doors open,' IOW, keep your tools - pen, paper, pc, reference materials, etc. - ever at the ready so that when you are inspired or in a well-disciplined mode, you can dive right in. Don't procrastinate too long - we want to hear what you've gotta say!

    WTW, you never fail to get me to think and to challenge what I believe, or have believed. If it has to be said, well then, SAY IT!

    Thank you both,


  • cluless

    Thankyou Compound and Complex

    Here lies the body of clueless

    Who though admittedly

    A great writer, A true friend A perfect husband.

    Must in the end be classed....


    For he failed to be nothing else but a writter.

  • ButtLight

    "With lack of sexual experimentation..thoughts were drilled into her mind (by her partner) of traveling the road of the "forbidden fruit"! Deep within her thoughts, she was willing to taste the succulant lips of another, just as femine as she, but these thoughts were kept silent for fear they would become reality."

    Ok, just goofing off here!

  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    I'm writing a book...pretty much my life story as a Witness. It's over 500 pages long now, which may mean some serious editing is needed.

    I felt compelled to do it after leaving the Watchtower. First, I just jotted down notes of my time as a Witness, then my wife aske dme to expand on some things for clarification. So 7 pages became 12 became 19 and then it got really serious.

    Not sure what to do with it, though. Someone here was kind enough to reccommend a publishing company in my inbox, but the message was deleted before I could pursue the matter.

  • daniel-p

    If you're serious about writing you must commit to write a certain amount every day. It takes discipline. If you wait for the flash of inspiration you'll only learn to write when you feel like it. Just a few of my own mantras...

  • JeffT
    If you're serious about writing you must commit to write a certain amount every day. It takes discipline. If you wait for the flash of inspiration you'll only learn to write when you feel like it. Just a few of my own mantras...

    Spot on! I write about 500 words of something everyday. Two of my short stories are available at www.militaryhistoryonline.com look for the fiction section and you'll see two by Jeffrey A. Thomas. I currently have a proposal out to an agent for a novel based loosely on my time with JW's and I'm about to pitch an alternate history trilogy to a publisher. They say the first million words is the hard part. I'm at about 400,000...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Respondents,

    I have enjoyed each of your comments; some I missed earlier as I was typing away in my typical labored and tortured hunt-and-peck fashion. But you folks show such potential!

    I was stymied for years by the "WT philosophy" (isn't that a tad oxymoronic?) that, to paraphrase the Sage One, 'to the making of many books there is no end and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.' Talk about psychological defeat - don't you dare consider following your dream; if it doesn't promote Kingdom Interests (is this term trademarked?) it is a futile endeavor, whose protagonist surely is one having as motivation self-aggrandizement.

    Please check out Jeffy's link to see what he's written ... incredible! See, now, what you can do if you put one foot in front of the other? I'm fresh out of fitting metaphors.

    My mistake for quitting the Theocratic Ministry School.


  • oompa

    I have written many songs and skits...but don't seem to have the patience to write a book, although screenplays pop up often....after seeing what JKRowling did....it shoul motivate me more............oompa

  • sf

    Simply. Yes.


  • daniel-p

    Another one of my rules is to never talk about what I'm currently writing with anyone. As soon as I do, all the excitement vanishes. It's as sure a death stroke as dumping the manuscript into the fire.

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