Radio programme tonight, trying to get witnesing banned in Aust.

by Lehaa 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lehaa

    Hi all,

    Haven't been around lately, but life is great.

    Rarely think about the witnesses these days and my mental health is getting better and better.

    Was listening to Triple M (a radio station here) and the DJ was doing a talk back segment about how annoying it is to have Witnesses etc. knock on his door at 9.30 on a Saturday morning.

    During the show many people called in and complained too how much they hate it.

    THe basic consensus was that they think the JW have a right to there religion but we, as individuals, have the right not to be bothered by them.

    By the end of the segment he had decided that he was going to get a petition together and try to get Witnessing banned in Australia.

    I know it seems like a big task, but worth a go.

    I was wondering if anyone had any info on countries where it is banned and the supporting arguments.

    Also when he does get the petition organized who would be interested in signing it.

    Thanks heaps,


  • Satanus

    I'ld sign it. Of course, jws would see this as the beginning of the end of the world. The wt corp isn't satisfied to have freedom of religion, they want freedom to sell it, as well. Since they loose 2 thirds of their members, they need new meat, continuously.


  • Lehaa


    I rang up and put my 2 cents worth in, I also apologized on air to all those people over the years I'd bothered knocking on there door all hours of the day and evening.

  • brinjen

    Which show was it? Was it Wil & Lehmo, where they're asking if you would let someone with a contagious disease into your home? I'm just looking at the website, going through the podcasts...

  • Lehaa

    No it was Spoonman.

  • brinjen

    Thanks, I'll keep an eye on the site, hopefully they'll put a podcast up to tonight's show. If he's serious about the petition, no doubt that will appear on their website too...

  • brinjen

    Looks like they've just put it up. Downloading it now, go the link below, look for the 'Should God Botherers Be Banned?', right-click on the 'Download This Clip' to save it to your hard drive, left click if you just want to listen.

  • brinjen

    Just had a listen. This may be a story to keep an eye on, he sounds serious about this. Not JW specific, or banning any religion (which is no doubt how the dubs would virtually see it) but banning them from making unsolicited calls to your home.

    Had to giggle at the woman who was raised as a JW and forced to go out on the weekends rubbing her back up and down on the wall so they thought she had some kind of a rash and took her home. Why didn't I think of that?

  • JH

    They tried to ban them once in Blainville, Quebec and it didn't work...

  • SirNose586

    Although Mormons don't come around as often as the dubs do, so long as they and any other random recruiting religion gets swept up in the ban, the better. I have this theory that JWs secretly crave persecution so that they can feel their beliefs are justified. If a number of groups get caught up in this manner, they can't claim special persecution. They will feel a bit of it, I'm sure, but it would be very sweet to see that happen.

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