Talk with My Mom - My Elder brother Explains Bethel Changes to Her

by flipper 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • StAnn

    So why would it be such a horrible thing to the JWs if they were moving to cut costs?

  • Hope4Others
    Actually I feel sorry for my mom that whatever the society says she accepts as the " gospel truth

    My mom is the same way. I do have to disagree with some of you, sorry but for me I feel at my moms age what would be the point of ripping her faith away from her. Where is she to go

    at her age. Its all she's ever known. All her friends are jw's and she won't be around for ever. Unless I can be there 24/7 for her she would be alone and lost. I just couldn't do that to her,

    I do say little things the odd times but I'm careful the way I say it. Its fine for me and my husband we can start over but I'm not so sure that an older person like her can. She's starting

    to get forgetful so a lot of things go way over her head.


  • shamus100


  • lisavegas420

    *great big sigh*....It's probably better my parents don't talk to me...I'd never be able to keep my mouth shut. And even if I was able to keep my lips tight together, I'm sure my eyes would be rolling around in my head.


  • Gayle

    Then she said, " Also they aren't going to send brothers and sisters overseas anymore to dangerous countries as the political climate is too scary for them to be in some places in the world. "

    What about missionaries or Gilead students? Is that ending too?

  • senora

    So what about the DUMBO project where they were going to build a couple of buildings there in brooklyn?? Did they abort the project??

  • Dismembered

    Hopefully, watchtower won't come up with some new rule like having to literally kiss an "elders" tush before they can be seated at the KH.


  • Open mind
    Open mind


    Some have said the GB is already out of Brooklyn. I never heard official
    word. Anyone?

    I asked a former Bethelite who still has fairly "heavy" connections about this. He said that the non-GB Bethel movers & shakers tried getting the GB to move up to Patterson, but they didn't go for it. Too set in their ways, established in their respective congos, etc.

    It will be interesting to see if/when this ever changes.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    FYI, that conversation took place about 6 months ago.


  • tan
    Apparently Watchtower doesn't believe the big A is coming in the next 3 years.

    Good point.

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