What's your sign?

by dinah 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot
  • caliber

    Aquarius ( 1 ) free thinking ---- believe they can make a difference !


  • mrsjones5

    Gemini - June 1, some folks are surprised when I tell them what my sign is cuz I'm a very quiet person and not prone to frequent outbrusts, tho I can be quite the flirt when I want to be.

  • Jeffro

    Very amusing whenever someone tries to 'guess' my starsign (of course based on heaps of reliable astrological evidence). After getting it wrong 3 or 4 times, they'll give up and ask. And then when I tell them, they say "of course!" as if they knew all along.

  • yknot
  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    February AQUAMAN

  • DJK

    Taurus-May 10th

    Taurus is the second sign of the astrological year and is known by its symbol, the Bull. Taureans are loyal, thrifty, kindhearted, and they possess great personal charm, good looks, and a lovely speaking voice.

    Below you’ll find general characteristics for the Taurus man, woman, child, lover, and friend. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find links to articles with detailed personality profiles for every day that falls under the Taurus sign. Read on to see if the characteristics ring true for you or the Bull in your life.

    The Taurus Man

    Taurus men possess a great deal of what used to be called "animal magnetism." They are often dark and brooding in appearance, taciturn in speech. They become good husbands and fathers, cherish traditional values, and rarely lose their temper. Most are more concerned with achieving success in their personal life than their professional life. They have a great deal of creative talent, though this may require some coaxing

  • shopaholic

    The Taurus Woman

    A Taurus woman is stylish, well-groomed, and socially involved. Whether she turns her energies to domestic or professional aims, she is certain to give it all that she has. Taurus women are stubborn, practical, and budget-minded. They have the ability to balance family and career life without losing their emotional equilibrium. These women have their feet planted firmly on the ground.

    I totally agree!

  • llbh

    Taurus 15th May



  • avishai

    I'm an aquarium. I like to get tanked. Leo rising, diametric opposite of my Sun. Also? Thought i was a Dog for years. Chinese new years fell on feb. 5th yr. I was born. My B-day is the 4th, I'm a cock. So, if Chinese Mythology has a cusp? I'm a cocky sonofabitch.

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